helping,” he moaned.
    By the time they were through, he couldn’t
think about anything but his lovely mate and how good she felt. He
could no longer imagine his life without her or the children they
had and would have. He felt soft hands running lightly over his
body, relaxing him as he drifted off to sleep.
    “Hey, Babe, it’s morning!” Sierra said. He
woke as heat shot through him and his cock hardened ready to be put
to use
    “Mm.” He opened his eyes looking at his mate.
He grabbed her and rolled them over landing on top of her. He took
her arms in his, sliding them up above her head where he held them
by her wrists. He kissed her hard with all the passion he felt then
he moved down to take one perfect nipple in his mouth and suck it
in. He moved to the other one as his hand continued to squeeze the
nipple he had just let go.
    “Hurry, I want you inside me fucking
    He knew better than to ignore what he called
a desperate request rather than a direct command. He used one hand
to line them up and the other to hold his weight off her. He
slammed in, she was slick and ready so he was fully immersed with
no trouble. The feeling of being inside her was so incredible he
groaned low and deep. She mewled and whimpered with need so he
pulled back and slammed home again and again. She arched
unexpectedly and they hit hard. He moved side to side searching for
the best spots and finding them. He hammered into her fully out of
control but she loved it. She screamed for more as she demanded he
slam in harder, deeper, and faster.
    Sweat soaked his brow as he moved in a blur
so close to exploding he needed her to get off now. He slid his
hand between them. Extra stimulation wasn’t always needed but he
was so near the end of his endurance he had to please her first. He
pinched her little button and she shot off like a rocket. He yelled
her name as she literally squeezed the cum right out of him. After
the vigorous work out he had just had, he wouldn’t need to exercise
for a week.
    He noticed Sierra hurried getting showered
and dressed quickly. Maybe she was hungry, but probably she was up
to something. “Where are you going to in such a hurry,
    “I’m just hungry, eating for two and all
    “Wait up and I’ll go with you.” He noticed
the frown on her face. Maybe she just felt like some alone time.
They were together much of the day and all of the night but he
enjoyed his time with her. He would hate to think she was growing
tired of him. It was probably a hormonal thing.
    She waited, so he hurried to get ready before
they headed to the cafeteria. They sat with Hermes, Cherish, and
all the top leading gods that were eating at the time. Eres tended
to sit with them too when he was around but that was more because
of his friendship with Sierra. They were more like siblings and
Zeus found that he wasn’t jealous even though they were close. It
was a surprise, to him and the other gods, that he felt that way,
because Eres was attractive and females tended to like him but he
knew that to his mate, he was just like a younger brother.
    Cherish sat and ate, jumping up occasionally
when an oven alarm went off. Hermes got up to pull the tray out of
the oven making her stay in her seat. She was like a jumping bean
hopping around constantly. Her pregnancy hadn’t slowed her down one
bit, yet anyway, but she wasn’t far along yet. Hermes had matured
since he had mated but he still had that care free air about him.
He had been lucky at Origin since he didn’t look threatening like
Zeus or Hades had.
    Nioma came into the cafeteria, Zeus noticed
because of the complete silence. Nioma always ate in the lab where
she was a virtual hermit, even worse than Doc. She came over,
sitting across from Zeus and Sierra, a seat just vacated by Hermes
as he went to remove a tray of cookies from the oven. It didn’t
matter because it looked like Nioma had just come to impart
    “Can you two

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