Green Eyes

Green Eyes by Amanda Heath

Book: Green Eyes by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heath
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you to look like you’re fucking. Right now all I see is heavy petting! And Ryan, for crying out loud, touch her tits, her ass is in the water!” Victor screeches, shocking the crap out of me. “And you have lines to say! Don’t make me say cut and make you start all over again!”
    Damn we do have lines. “Are you sure you want this?” Ryan asks me as Wren asking Jessy. This is their “first time” and we are acting like two people who have done it a lot.
    “Yes, Wren, you don’t know how badly I want this,” I say as Jessy, even though I’m really saying it as myself. Because I do want it badly. I guess I really should have gotten laid in the past four years. My libido is off the charts right now.
    “I’ll make it good for you, I swear,” Ryan says as Wren, but really, I just want to tell him I know it’ll be good. It’s the best I’ve ever had and we haven’t even fucked. That’s sad, just real fucking sad.
    Ryan’s hands come out of the water and cup my breasts bringing a loud drawn-out embarrassing moan from me. “Okay, Lexy, less porn star, more teenage virgin!” comes Victor with his screeching. It’s really sad that his screeching isn’t even putting a damper on what’s going on in this bathtub.
    Ryan lifts me up a little and reaches down between us, then he pulls me down on top of him, very fucking slowly. I make distressed sounds like it hurts going in or whatever. I can’t remember if it hurt or not because it wasn’t a memorable experience for me. And I was probably shit-face drunk.
    Now we are moving slowly against each other. His cold winter’s day eyes are staring right into mine, never wavering, while the sneaky fuck touches my clit through my clothes with his finger. He watches me with his mouth open, like a kid at the candy store who’s never seen candy before. He holds me tight as I rub myself against his finger, the pressure just right I might fucking explode any second.
    It’s intense, though, because our eyes are locked and I see everything I’m feeling inside of his eyes. “Please,” I whisper.
    Then he gives me a devilish smile, putting more pressure on my clit. He leans up until his mouth is right at my ear. I’m sad he’s not looking in my eyes but I’m on the verge of getting off, so nothing really matters except for that.
    “Let it go, Green Eyes. Come on my hand while the whole world watches. You are the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” I close my eyes and feel it wash over me. I shudder against Ryan’s chest, keeping myself upright. I pant against his neck, completely spent. And then I kiss him on the corner of his mouth where no one can see. That kiss was all mine.
    I’m anxious and for once it isn’t because of my anxiety.
    My skin is itchy and I feel like I might crawl out of my own skin. I pace back and forth across the floor of my trailer. The space is small but for once my short height works for me.
    I pass Marley for the one-hundredth time while he just watches me with a confused expression on his face. Marley says he doesn’t understand me at all most of the time. I’m either up or I’m down. I’m never still, and when I am, it freaks him out. He thinks I’m plotting to take over the world when I’m still. He says it wouldn’t be a problem for him if I did, but he states I’ll need more security if I do.
    I just shake my head at him.
    Talia is passed out on my bed, her feet sticking out of the covers. I’ll have to sneak in there in a little bit and put socks on her damn feet. Ever since she discovered her feet she hasn’t liked to wear socks, let alone shoes. She’d walk around barefoot if I let her. Crazy small baby child.
    “You need to smoke some pot,” Marley pipes up with his oh so helpful suggestion.
    I just roll my eyes. “Why, so I can eat every single snack cake on this set? I don’t think so. Those things are bad for you.”
    Marley chokes on his drink of water. “You don’t have to eat the snack

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