Green Eyes

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Book: Green Eyes by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heath
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cakes, I’m sure there’s something more healthy for you to snack on around here.”
    “Yeah, there is, but if I’m high all I’ll want is snack cakes. You never want the healthy stuff when you have the munchies,” I reply, twisting my fingers together.
    “What has you so wound up?” he asks out of the goodness of his heart. I’ll be damned if I tell him though.
    Yeah, that would go over real well. Oh, hey, Marley, I got off on Ryan Danse’s hand while a whole room full of people were watching. What I wouldn’t give for a female friend right now. Too bad I’m too bitchy to put up with anybody.
    I do have that girl, the other daughter my father had. I often reflect on the fact that I could have her in my life if I wanted. I used to have a lot of fun with Claire. She taught me how to do my makeup and paint my nails. She bought me my first box of tampons and explained sex to me. She also taught me how to cook, but I really don’t like to do that much. Though my cupcakes are the bomb because of her.
    The thing I miss the most about having a family is having someone to talk to. I remember a time when I told the three of them everything. Even stupid Beau, who once threatened to kill the boy who gave me my first kiss. I think it was more the fact that the boy was sixteen and I was thirteen, than the fact that I was out kissing boys. Not like he had room to talk, considering he was kissing a whole lot of girls back then.
    Beau was also the one who held me when I cried. He picked me up when I fell and once I thought he would always be there to pick me up, to keep me on level ground because I’m a fucking klutz at times.
    “Nothing has me wound up. I’m just…just anxious,” I tell Marley while wearing a groove in the ugly blue carpet of this stupid trailer.
    I feel like maybe I should go run a few laps around the track. Maybe that would help. I need to burn some of this nervous energy off. Then again, I don’t like working out. You can usually find me in my room doing ab workouts when I have to film a movie. Other than that I’m a skinny little thing. Always have been. Even during those years when you’re supposed to be a fat little pre-teen.
    “Did something happen today on set?” he asks, lifting his arms above his head and leaning back on his hands. I remember the day I asked him to be my security guard. I can tell you neither of us saw that day coming. I was crossing the street in downtown LA when I tripped and fell on my ass. Nothing new in my day-to-day life, except for the fact that there was a bus coming and I was kind of in the middle of the crosswalk. Marley’s big frame came running from in front of me to scoop me up and run me to safety. I liked that he was a big guy and he was still quick on his feet. He was very polite about it too, never made me feel stupid for falling down in the middle of the street while a bus was barreling down at me. I asked him to be my personal bodyguard and we could have fallen in love, except for the fact he’s gay.
    I smile at his warm mocha face and put my hands on my hips. “Nothing of importance happened on set today. I’m just crazy.”
    “Alexis, you haven’t been crazy a day in your life. Yeah, you act a little neurotic every so often, but you are unmistakably not crazy,” he says simply, as if his word is law and I should just follow it.
    “Hmm…my psychiatrist bills tell me differently,” I mutter, finally pausing in my pacing because my leg is cramping up. Maybe I shouldn’t stomp around so hard.
    He grunts at that. “So you need someone to talk to about your problems. You’re not like normal people, Alexis. You have to pay people to keep your privacy. I honestly think it’s healthy for you to get some of that pent up crap out. So you have to pay the lady you’re talking to, but at least you know she can’t legally sell your story to the press.”
    I know he’s right about that one. He’s the one who pushed me into going to talk to someone in

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