Green Eyes

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Book: Green Eyes by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heath
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the first place. Someone who doesn’t know me and can listen objectively. I hate when he’s right and I’m wrong. He always gets so smug about it, the loser.
    “Also, I think you should get laid. It’s been, what, five damn years? Yeah, Aaron was a dick and you’re a single mom, you still deserve a little fun. Being cooped up all the damn time is certainly not healthy.” He pulls his phone out of his back pocket, probably so he can play Clash of Clans while he pretends to listen to me.
    I’m about to say something sarcastic when there’s a knock on the door. I feel my eyebrows furrow, considering it’s, like, ten o’clock and we have to film tomorrow, early. Marley sighs and drops his phone on the couch to get up and answer the door. I used to argue about him answering the door, every single time, but I finally gave up after the thousandth time he physically lifted me away from the door. I told him it’s not worth his life to get shot by my stalker, if that’s who was at the door, just because I pay him to protect me. I guess now and again he likes to actually work. That’s not my opinion, because he does a wonderful job, but I do tend to stay at home, and no one is getting into my gated community without a background check. We are dedicated to our safety.
    “Hey, Marley right?” Ryan Danse’s Australian accent comes through the open doorway straight to my wanting ears. It’s like getting high and eating all the snack cakes. Pure heaven.
    “Yeah. You here for Alexis?” Marley sounds downright delighted.
    “Yeah, is she here?”
    “Yup, she’s listening right behind me.”
    I smack Marley on the back and peek my head to the side of him and find icy blue eyes looking right at me. “Hey.” I wave like a dork because I have no idea how to react to this situation. I want to ask him why he’s here and if we can go back to his trailer and fuck like rabbits.
    After he gave me an orgasm in front of the production crew earlier today, we haven’t really spoken. Victor had us in that bathtub almost all day. We had to shoot that scene ten times before Victor was sure he had everything he needed. I think he just enjoyed working us to death. I mean, seriously, we had to act that scene out in several different positions, a few with our hair wet, a few without wet hair. Then there were a few times he made us do it without our lines. I thought I would come home and sleep for sixteen hours but I found myself wound up. And, no, I didn’t get an orgasm every take. I would probably have died.
    “Can we talk for a second?” Ryan asks, reaching his hand out for me. I find myself reaching back for him without a single thought. I almost feel like I go into autopilot when he’s around.
    I don’t give him a verbal answer considering, but I do look back at Marley as we start to walk away. “I’ll be back in a second, I swear. Hopefully Talia won’t wake up.”
    Marley gives me a salute and closes the door. I’m pretty sure he locked it too, the bastard. Like he knows what Ryan Danse wants with me so late at night. Huh, maybe he does know what Ryan Danse wants with me so late at night.
    I hope it’s sex. I really, really, really hope it’s sex.
    I’m so crazy; I make mental patients look sane.
    Ryan pulls me along behind him, never saying a word and I find the silence comfortable. Though I also like checking out his big butt when he doesn’t notice. The man was made out of all my fantasies and wrapped in shiny Christmas wrapping paper. That’s how gorgeous he is.
    We get to his trailer, which is three over from mine, and he yanks the door open. Now he’s pulling me inside and my hands are instantly sweaty. I swear my hands are the nastiest part of my body. They are always sweaty! I wonder if there’s a pill to fix that. There seems to be a pill to fix everything. I doubt it though.
    He shuts the door behind us and rounds on me. Instantly I have no thoughts inside of my head except for him to kiss me. All the

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