
Game by London Casey, Ana W. Fawkes

Book: Game by London Casey, Ana W. Fawkes Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Ana W. Fawkes

    Fiore and his thug laughed.
    “ Get
that dick hard, ” Fiore said. “ What do you need? You need
Shayna naked? You need her to touch herself? ”
    I started to shake under the
    Fiore looked at me, waving the gun
like it was a laser pointer and I was some kind of exhibit. “ Go ahead, Shayna. Tear those
covers off. Show it all off. Get your man hard. ”
    Get my man hard? Finn was … my man?
    I looked at Finn and my stomach
flipped. His words ran through my mind from last night. All I was to him was
someone to fuck, right? Fiore was just driving that point home right now.
    I started to push the covers down,
trying to wonder if I really had a choice right now. If I didn ’ t do it, Fiore would. If I didn ’ t let Finn inside me, then Fiore
would have someone else. Not that I didn ’ t
want Finn … just …
    “ Come
on, come on, ” Fiore said. “ I don ’ t have all day. Just get it over with. I want to see
it happen. So I know my command …”
    “ She
can ’ t, ” Finn yelled. “ Okay? She fucking can ’ t. ”
    “ Why
not? ” Fiore asked. “ She have a dick or something? ”
    “ She
just can ’ t, ” Finn repeated.
    “ Give
me a reason, ” Fiore said.
    I had nothing. My eyes were wide.
My cheeks on fire. My body tensed and scared.
    What was Finn doing?
    “ She ’ s … she ’ s got her thing. ”
    “ Her
thing? ” Fiore asked.
    “ Her
monthly thing. ”
    Fiore looked right at me. “ You ’ re bleeding right now? ”
    I hurried and nodded. “ Yes. It ’ s my time of the month. Sorry. I was embarrassed to
say anything. I didn ’ t want
you to kill me. ”
    “ Are
you lying to me, Shayna? ”
    Now I had to get bold. I threw the
covers off my body, showing that I was in nothing but a t-shirt and panties. I
kept my legs together, tight. I knew everyone watching could see my boobs
pressing against the shirt, including my hard nipples.
    “ Want
to check? ” I asked. “ Touch me? See if I ’ m lying? ”
    My face got hotter, redder.
    Fiore looked but didn ’ t approach.
    “ She ’ s not lying, ” Finn said. “ I have no problem with it, just
for the record. I ’ ll ride
that out. You know me, Fiore. Nothing stops my cock. ”
    Fiore looked between me and Finn.
He raised an eyebrow. “ But
you just hesitated, Finn. ”
    “ I
don ’ t want my boss watching
me work, ” Finn said. “ You might use my moves and charm
on Marie. ”
    “ Hey, ” Fiore growled. “ Nobody talks about my wife like
that. ”
    “ No
disrespect, ” Finn said. “ I ’ m
sorry. I ’ m … I ’ m
working this, Fiore. She ’ s
all over the place right now. It ’ s
messy. ”
    “ Cover
yourself up, ” Fiore said to
me. He tugged at his tie. “ Finish
up with your monthly friend and climb right on top of my friend. ” Fiore put a hand to Finn ’ s shoulder and squeezed. “ Right? ”
    “ Fuck
yeah, ” Finn said.
    Fiore looked back at me and raised
an eyebrow.
    “ Yeah, ” I said. “ I get it. Okay? ”
    “ She
gets it, ” Fiore said. “ Then my job is done here. ”
    With that said and done, Fiore and
his thug left.
    Finn ran a hand through his hair
and exhaled. “ That was
close. ”
    I climbed out of the bed and stood
there. “ Go fuck yourself,
Finn. You ’ re never getting
me. I don ’ t care what
happens. ”
    Anger flooded me and I stormed away
to the bathroom.
    I shut the door and tried to be
angry some more.
    Then again, Finn had just defended
me. He could have listened to Fiore. He could have grabbed me, tore my panties
off, and had me. But he didn ’ t.
He lied to his boss for me.
    Whatever though. I ’ d thank him for that. It didn ’ t mean I was going to fall in
love with him and have babies.
    Well, I had to have a baby with
him … but I
definitely wasn ’ t
going to fall in love with him.

    I went to the other bathroom door
and opened it. Shayna looked surprised to see me. Her face quickly went to
defeat. She stood there looking

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