
Game by London Casey, Ana W. Fawkes Page B

Book: Game by London Casey, Ana W. Fawkes Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Ana W. Fawkes
squeeze tight, maybe wanting to
hurt me, maybe it was just her body ’ s
reaction to the pleasure. My other hand was shoved up her shirt. I quickly
scaled her body, feeling her warm skin give way to her hanging breast. As I
cupped her tit, I growled, still remembering that she had flashed those other
guys. I still had yet to see her tits, now my hand was exploring.
    I felt her nipple rub against my
    My hand tightened around her
breast; she fit perfectly into my hand.
    Her hand grabbed the back of my
head and she cried out. Her heels dug into the floor as she lifted her hips
higher by the second. She went from trying to be sexual and grinding against my
touch to simply quivering. I was in fucking control. Complete fucking control.
    I broke my hands away from her and
cupped her ass again. I held her there, her body almost horizontal, off the
floor. My mouth deep between her thighs. Sucking at smooth folds, thrusting my
tongue with speed, curling with hard movements, I brought her to the edge and
beyond. The moment she began to come, her legs gave out. She would have crashed
back to the floor, but I eased her down. She quickly tried to fight me away,
wanting to close her legs. I ended up where I began, my hands at her legs,
keeping her right where I wanted her.
    I felt her throb with each pulse
from deep within her body. Her sweetness flowed with ease as she groaned over
and over.
    My tongue got one more taste before
I kissed up to her stomach and then pulled away.
    I stood up and looked down at what
I had done.
    Shayna was on the floor, her
panties torn from her body. Her shirt - my fucking t-shirt - halfway up
her body. Her face was flushed, cheeks rosy red, her eyes wide. She gasped for
    “ I ’ m not afraid of anything, ” I said and stepped over Shayna,
leaving the bathroom.
    That statement … that was a bold faced lie. I
was afraid of something. I was afraid of the way Shayna made me feel.
    ~ ~ ~
    I stood out on the porch and held
my cell. It rang and rang. When the voicemail picked up, I hung up and dialed
    It took me three times to get
Cormac on the line.
    “ What
the fuck, man? ”
    “ I
need a favor. ”
    “ What ’ s wrong? ”
    “ I
need you to come to the cabin. ” I turned and saw Shayna emerge from the bedroom, changed into different
clothes. “ I need you to
watch someone for me. ”
    “ What
someone? What the hell …”
    “ Just
be here within the hour, ” I
    I hung up the call and tucked the
phone into my back pocket.
    Shayna stood there and stared at
me. I leaned against the railing and crossed my arms. I could still smell her,
still taste her. Christ, I hadn ’ t
even fucked her yet. And why not? I never took my time with women. I always
knew what I wanted and how I wanted it.
    Before this shit got any deeper, I
needed to go visit someone. I needed to figure out if this was getting real.

    I sat at the kitchen table and
watched Finn pace like a hungry lion waiting for a steak. My body shivered and
then ached, realizing that I was, in so many ways, his prey. His meal.
    And I liked it.
    Each time Finn turned, I saw the
gun sticking out of his back pocket.
    The whole thing with Fiore had him
rattled. And I know I didn ’ t
help by goading him. I did not expect him to toss me to the floor and do
that to me. Yeah, part of me had wanted him to rip off my panties and fuck
me, but I mostly expected him to get pissed and storm away.
    He was the best I ever had … and I barely even had him yet.
That alone left my body totally on fire.
    “ Say
something, ” I said.
    Finn stopped and turned. “ What? Want to take another jab
at me? ”
    “ Jesus,
Finn. I …”
    “ I
don ’ t want to hear it. ”
    “ Do
you want to hear about my sister? ”
    Now I had his complete attention.
    He stepped back and put his hands
to the counter. The way his shoulders puffed up made them look like massive
boulders. He was just plain sexy. Every inch, top

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