The Property Manager: You'll never rent again...

The Property Manager: You'll never rent again... by NS Thompson

Book: The Property Manager: You'll never rent again... by NS Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: NS Thompson
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looking windswept and a little wild in that loud purple coat. It is a very bold colour and I doubt that many could pull it off with the aplomb that you do.
    You had been making notes at work all morning. That was very industrious of you.
    You passed them to me and our hands touched. Yours were like warm velvet which is odd because it is so cold outside. It definitely stirred me to feel your skin.
    You had written down the following suggestions –
    1. Jack Thorne to M.C the event and ask the questions.
    2. Grace and Jack to approach local businesses to donate prizes.
    3. Dan and Eli Templar to set up the hall on Friday afternoon.
    4. Staff at Real Estate to print up flyers. (Suggested layout attached)
    5. Grace and Jack to put flyers in shop windows.
    6. Grace to advertise in the school newsletter and get her drama students to do letterbox drops.
    7. Payments in advance to the Real Estate or Doctor’s Surgery.
    8. Jenny Wray to work the door on the night.
    9. Jack and Karen to compile the questions.
    I looked up from your list and asked why you didn’t want to write the questions yourself. I would have thought that would be right up your alley. You’re a smart girl.
    You laughed and said,
    “Jack, I’m going in it. I want to win. That’s where the thrill is for me. You’ve got local knowledge and you and Karen can get some good questions together. I won’t even ask for a copy of them.”
    Fair enough. So that’s that. It all sounds like too much hard work but I can hardly pull out now. My head throbbed all day. Belinda suggested coke. I was happy to stick with strong coffee.
    I’m feeling less seedy after a good meal and lots of water. I will fire up the lap-top and head over to your place shortly. 
    3:48 a.m. Saturday morning
    I feel like being sick and my legs are shaking, my mouth dry and my face numb.
    I blame myself partly. I’ve dragged my heels. Been too cautious. I’ve fucked it all up. But I can fix it.
    I can’t believe it. I’ve got it all on film, though, so I can bring it to life and relive it any time I want.
    I sensed the danger there, Grace. I could feel it. He’s a predator and you were taken advantage of.
    Those fucking Cox’s. I’ll evict them first thing Monday. I’ll run him over next time I see him on his bike. He’s an adulterous pig.
    You are a single woman with needs and desires and I was a fool to think you could handle temptation. I should have moved sooner. You were obviously very ready to have someone in your bed. It should have been ME.
    I actually love you Grace. He is a scumbag and user, just treating you like a free prostitute.
    You were drunk…well if not tanked at least well LUBRICATED!
    That fellow will be in big trouble at home today. That woman won’t let him within a hundred meters of you.
    She’s a fool. Fancy getting a migraine and demanding to be taken home but suggesting that her husband come back and keep partying. Either she really is a complete idiot or she approves of this behaviour. Maybe they have one of those open marriages. God only knows what perverted arrangement they have. But if she doesn’t realize that her husband came home stinking of you early this morning, then she’s the most naïve woman in town.
    I need a coffee. I actually could do with a valium. There might be some in the cabinet. Probably years out of date but I’m so tense and ready to snap that I need to have at least two.
    I’ve been staring at the wall for a while, trying to wrap my head around this horrible turn of events. I know you haven’t taken a vow of celibacy but I didn’t pick you for a husband-stealer. That’s very low. I should hate you. Forget about you.  Say bye, bye Gracie, it was nice almost knowing you…….but I can’t. I’ve got tears. I don’t cry but this has cut me. Deeply. I’ve never ever met anyone like you. You’re the

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