Future Winds

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Book: Future Winds by Kevin Laymon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Laymon
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gate begin to scream and howl up into the sky as the ground continued to rumble. It looked like it could explode at any minute and vaporize them all as its hum screeched louder and louder for about ten minutes and then, it just stopped altogether.
    Up in the sky silently floating was a carrier, the second one to arrive. It sat there motionless for about five minutes before descending down behind New Horizon.
    That’s kind of exciting, Ness thought. One step closer to having a city with people, and friends, and food.
    Aisha spent the day regaining her strength in a recovery medical bay after her night of being under surgery. All afternoon she forced her brain to accept the fact that her new arm was here to stay. She didn’t dislike the new addition but it was a radical change that she would have to embrace and get used too.
    Restless to get back to work, she hopped out of bed and walked over to a pile of fresh clothes resting atop her armor and sword--all of which was set aside for her for when she was feeling a hundred percent. She was forced to drag along tubing that fed nanobots into her spine to travel up her body, fight infection and repair tissue.
    “Looks like you are doing well,” said the voice of her female doctor who entered the room unnoticed. “You know you are supposed to be resting. You do not want to push yourself too far this early on and risk your body rejecting its latest addition.”
    “I feel fine though and the more I use it, the more natural it feels.”
    Aisha picked up the clothing from the table with her dominant organic arm and used her artificial one to unbutton the uniform with precision.
    “Very well done, I didn’t think you would be capable of the precise stuff for a few days at least...”
    Aisha’s brain felt as though it was going to explode from her skull with the amount of focus she had to muster and strain to perform the task correctly. She didn’t want to admit it and risk having to stay in the chamber any longer than she had already. Being bedridden was worse than dying to her. She had to get out and do something , anything.
    Observing her struggle to put the uniform on over the tubing that fed into the basin of her spine, the doctor forced a smile. “What are you going to do? wheel that nano injection machine out of here with you too?” The doctor approached the girl and put a warm hand on her back. “This is going to feel,” she paused, “strange.” One after another, she quickly and painlessly pulled the long needles that ran the piping into Aisha’s backside out. They disconnected with a sliding motion that felt cold and hollow. The doctor was right, nothing could prepare her for the odd feeling of something being removed from within her spine.
    “What about the bots?” Aisha asked, troubled, as she realized any that were injected now had no way out.
    “They are designed to dissolve in a matter of hours when their source of entrance is disconnected,” the doctor comforted.
    Aisha fixed her armor over her clothing, it was much easier than buttoning her shirt, and when she was done she looked in the mirror and smiled in triumph for what she had accomplished.
    Today I managed to dress myself a day after cutting my own arm off , she thought cheerfully. This was the first time she had looked at herself with the outside perspective a mirror provided and, in doing so, she noticed that her hair was shorter. She had been so preoccupied with her arm she hadn’t even noticed until now the haircut she was given while under surgery. Must of had to shorten it to make the procedure easier and more sanitary, she figured as she toyed with the short, choppy brown do, I kind of like it though. She looked back over to the table where her sword sat in its sheath and picked it up with her right hand.
    “I am told you are naturally dominant in your right hand. You are lucky you didn’t lose the arm you swing that thing with,” the doctor said with a wide smile.
    She is

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