Future Winds

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Book: Future Winds by Kevin Laymon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Laymon
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it. “Oh, fuck!” he screamed as he raised his weapon into the air to annihilate the bat that dove down towards his head.
    Leon spun around, his flashlights lit up Kaito and his surroundings.
    Tyler jumped towards Kaito, swatting his rifle off to the side so that it pointed to the ground as the bat latched on to the lizard and dragged it up into the air and off into the darkness.
    “Relax man, it wasn’t going for you,” Tyler comforted. “Besides, if it were, Libra would have blocked it and probably fried the damn thing.”
    Kaito was breathing heavy. He shouldn’t have yelled, they were supposed to be quite after all and his drone Libra was literally one of the best defensive units ever created. It was simply a ball of energy that could absorb damage and was capable of frying just about anything it touched to a crisp. Tyler figured if Aries were equipped with Libra’s defensive tech, he himself wouldn’t be afraid of much of anything this planet had to offer, but she was not.
    Leon became even more irritated and just continued on ahead.
    For a guy always so calm, cool, and calculated, Leon was totally on edge. The vice admiral must have really dug her claws into him, Tyler thought.
    Ness was unsure how long he had been digging. At some point in the day his brain just clicked into automatic mode. Tired, with no sweat left in his body to perspire out, the crew continued on, running off stimpacks and their canteens of water: which were consumed and empty almost as soon as they were seldom allowed to fill them up.
    He would glance over his shoulder every thrust of his shovel to see one mech patting down the earth, making the section they dug out smooth and flat while a second one mixed cement and began to pour it in. Another crew, from another block, smoothed out the cement foundation.
    What I would give to be in that block , Ness thought. Though if he were, he would not be able to watch over his younger brother who was still back at the ship doped up on painkillers for the day. Lucas was scheduled to rejoin the others in work tomorrow. Until then Ness couldn’t help but feel envious of anyone who didn’t have to be out in this heat swinging at the dirt for however long he consecutively had.
    Completion was in grasp as they approach the end of their designated day one zone. Ahead a crew lay asphalt roadways interconnecting the multiple construction sites while another one assembled large metallic pillars with strange flat angular roofing. A pillar was placed at each end of every rectangular dig zone. Ness assumed the pillars were the basin to defensive magnetic shielding. When activated they would project a transparent shield around the buildings, protecting them from the firestorms or any other incoming harmful assault for that matter.
    Just a couple more hours and he would be done for the day. His crew would be the first to complete their task and he was kind of proud of that. Not that there was any comradery to be found. Everyone working was too exhausted and afraid to engage in any form of conversation. They just kept digging.
    The ground began to gently shake and Ness felt his stomach drop into his feet.
    Another attack , he thought. He wasn’t the only one to panic. Everyone around him stopped digging. Some even held their shovels as to use them as a weapon, to spear and swing at whatever was about to erupt from the ground.
    Ness clenched his fingers so tightly around the handle of his shovel, he felt as though they were going to snap right off. He wasn’t going to die in this pit today. He would decapitate every last one.
    “Get back to work you pussies,” a guard called down, “It’s just the warp gate,” he taunted with a scowl.
    Ness felt stupid. The looks on the workers around him were similar in their embarrassment, but Ness figured it was for damn good reason that they be afraid of the soil beneath their feet to abruptly start shaking.
    Even being a mile away, they could hear the warp

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