Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow

Book: Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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that he didn't 'know that' – that he didn't feel it deep down. For him, kissing me was the rightest thing in all the world.
    But we were interrupted by a fierce, low growl. It was the black wolf that had attacked us earlier. Despite its injury sustained earlier – we could still see the just-healed wound in its thigh where Logan had bitten him – it looked as savage and as ready for battle as ever. And this time it had come with reinforcements. A whole pack of wolves stood poised to pounce, tense on their haunches, all staring at their leader, waiting for the command to attack.
    “Balthazar,” said Logan softly.
    At these words, the leader of the wolf pack transformed into a man – a transformation so smooth and graceful that it took my breath away. Where there had once been a black wolf there stood now a strapping man, with the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen and jet-black hair that fell into his eyes. His cheekbones were high and taut, his beauty marred only by the scar running across his face. But, despite the perfection of his face, this man unsettled me. His eyes were not warm and kind as Logan's were, or deep and piercing like Kian's. These eyes were cruel and cold – their beauty serving only to enhance their lack of kindness.
    “Nice to see you too,” said Balthazar, rolling his eyes. “You’d think you and your father would have gotten the message that not all wolves want to be on the side of the Summer Court. We finally are part of the seasonal fairies’ war, where we can increase our powers, claim more land and riches. All this no thanks to your Grandfather. Thank goodness Deacon killed him or we would never be part of the war!”
    Logan winced at the mention of his grandfather. I could see his muscles ripple and tense – Logan was getting ready to fight. But while I had little doubt that Logan was one of the strongest wolves out there, even he wouldn't be able to fend off this entire pack – not without help. I tried to steady myself and concentrate my strength, but as I looked at the panting wolves, with their teeth protruding sharply from their straggly muzzles, I felt that my magic would not serve me too well against these lupine fangs.
    “Who are you?” I asked the black wolf, trying to sound as brave as I could, and far braver than I felt.
    “Ask Logan,” Balthazar scoffed.
    Logan balled up his fist, his shoulders tensed.
    “While Logan may be the Wolf Prince,” said Balthazar, “I too command a legion of werewolves…who no longer believe we should stand aside and let the Pixies claim all the land and riches of Feyland.”
    “Breena,” Logan said, watching Balthazar warily. “Balthazar leads the rogue werewolves, who no longer belong to our wolf clan. He has no scruples…”
    “You know who I am?” I cut in.
    “Of course I do!” Balthazar gave me a wolfish leer. “You're a very desired woman, after all. And you have a massive price on your pretty little head.”
    “And let me guess,” scoffed Logan. “Somebody offered you that price to get her for them.”
    “You know me so well!” Balthazar gave a mock sigh.
    “Balthazar can be bought by anybody!”
    “Not true!” Balthazar smiled. “Not your grandfather.”
    “My grandfather never tried to buy you.”
    “No, exactly,” said Balthazar, grinning even wider. “And that's why we killed him!”
    I heard a low growl emitting from Logan's throat. His lips parted, and I could see that even in his human form, he had begun to develop wolf fangs – a full-on transformation would come any second...
    “Tsk tsk!” said Balthazar. “Don't lose your temper, boy. Or Wolf Prince, the Advisor to the Queen! Please! No real self-respecting werewolf would leave the woods for the frippery of a palace. You may be strong, but you've separated yourself off from the rest of us. And this here is my clan. My clan, my rules. And unless you want your pretty little princess to be dinner for the twenty of us, I suggest you back

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