Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Page B

Book: Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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that Balthazar deserved it.
    “You don't deserve a quick death,” I muttered. I focused my magic and in an instant Balthazar was bound tight with fairy ropes, trussed to a nearby tree.
    I rushed back to the glen where the battle had taken place. I gasped as I saw the carnage that had taken place – the bodies of at least fifteen men lay sprawled across the clearing, their throats ripped from their bodies. I knew they were werewolves – knew they meant to kill us – but nevertheless the sight was sickening. I forced myself to stare at the bodies, despite my nausea, fearing that Logan's body would be among those lying there....
    “Breena!” A soft voice made me turn around. Logan was leaning against the tree, exhausted. As I approached him he collapsed into the earth.
    “We have to get you healed!” I rushed over to him.
    “I'll be fine,” he murmured, but I could see how much blood he'd lost. He wasn't immortal like me or Kian – I had to worry about him. “Where's Balthazar? He's dangerous...”
    “I took care of him. He's tied up to a tree – he'll bleed to death, or one of his wolf cronies will turn on him, no doubt.”
    Logan choked out a laugh.
    “Where's Kian?” I looked around, seeing no sign of Kian among the dead or the living.
    Logan gave no response.
    “Kian?” My cries echoed through the woods, but there was no response.
    Logan sighed, coughing out his words. “He was shooting arrows from the trees,” he whispered. “Then he swooped down from the trees with his silver sword and began fighting off the wolves one by one. He was valiant, but there were so many wolves....I think they took him, Breena...I couldn't see what happened; these two wolves jumped on me, I could barely fight them off.”
    My heart sank. If Kian had been taken, we were all in danger. But right now I had to focus on getting Logan well.
    “I'm going to heal you now,” I said.
    “But you're not a Wolf!” Logan protested softly.
    “These combined powers had better be good for something,” I shut him up, summoning all my healing powers into my palms. Let me heal Logan. My friend. My love. Please . I could feel my fingertips beginning to warm and glow: I pressed them to his wounds and instantly they began healing, one wound after another vanishing – the skin growing over like new.
    At last it was done and I rolled off Logan, exhausted. He was looking up at me with palpable awe. “You did it!” Logan smiled. “I've never seen powers like that, Breena! You've finally become a full fairy – stronger than any full fairy! You can heal anyone – Winter, Summer, or Wolf Fey.” He laughed with joy. “My grandfather was right! He always said that fairy magic would save us! Wolves can distrust the Fey – but my grandfather believed only an alliance with them would help us to restore our former power.” He clasped me in his arms. “You say that your magic interacted with Kian's proves that he's your intended?” He gave me a searching look. “But I say that your magic on me proves you're the subject of the prophecy! It's got to be you, Breena!”
    I sighed. How could I be both Kian's intended and the subject of Logan's prophecy? I couldn't deny Logan right now, especially given the joy in his voice and all he'd suffered, but I felt myself pulled violently in two opposite directions! How could I love these two men – so different, but both so noble and good – at the same time? And how could I be destined for both of them?
    I sighed. “We have to find Kian,” I said, choosing not to answer Logan's protestations of love right now.
    At the sound of his name, I heard a voice – weak and faint, but unmistakable – coming through the back of my mind. Breena! It was Kian. He sounded frail and exhausted; I could sense his pain.
    Where are you ? I looked around wildly, as if hoping to see Kian before me.
    The wolves managed to overpower me. Kian's voice grew weaker. They wounded me and carried me off. They haven't done too

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