
Unknown by Unknown

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Authors: Unknown
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the wrong direction. ‘Hey,’ she said, ‘where are we going?’
    ‘My ’copter’s not far away. It will be quicker. I’ll get someone to fetch your car later.’
    Taryn sat upright in her seat. ‘But I couldn’t! I mean, is it safe?’
    He laughed. ‘Of course it’s safe. You’ve flown before. What are you worried about?'
    She swallowed. ‘There’s a lot of difference between a Boeing and your helicopter. It looks so fragile.’
    He slanted her a reassuring smile. ‘I’ve travelled hundreds—no, it must be thousands of miles in her. She’s never failed me yet.’
    ‘There’s always a first time,’ replied Taryn faintly. ‘You surprise me. Have you no faith?’
    ‘Yes—but '
    He caught her hand, squeezing her fingers gently. ‘Dearest Taryn. I’ll see no harm comes to you.’
    Taryn’s heart beat uncomfortably fast. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but she was afraid of hurting his feelings. He spoke as though she really meant something to him. Why? What game was he playing?
    Intercepting her puzzled look, he remarked, ‘Now what’s the matter? Don’t you believe me?’
    ‘Yes—it’s just me. I’m being silly.'
    By this time they had reached the field where his craft was waiting. Without giving her further time to argue Luke was out of the car. He held her hand as they walked towards the helicopter.
    Taryn looked fearfully at its gleaming bodywork and bit her lip anxiously. Her heart beat so loud she was sure Luke must hear it and once inside she was even more afraid. After he had started the engine and the blades began to whirr overhead it was too noisy even to talk without shouting. He passed her a pair of earphones, turning round to smile reassuringly, and before she knew it the ground was falling away beneath them.
    Suddenly she was enjoying herself. The sensation was so different from what she had expected. It was as though they were being gently lifted into the sky, then propelled slowly forward. It was as though they were floating above the earth and as they climbed higher they hardly seemed to be moving at all. Taryn leaned back in her seat and relaxed, watching the patchwork of fields slide away below.
    It seemed no time at all before she saw Ferndale rising to meet them. From this angle it looked so different—like a model village, everything in miniature but in perfect scale. As they lost height Dale End grew larger and larger. The row of cottages reassumed their identity.
    They landed safely in the top field, but as they climbed out Taryn was surprised to find how wobbly her legs were and was glad of Luke’s supporting hand. ‘Everyone feels like that on their first flight,’ he said kindly. ‘You’ll be all right in a minute. Hang on to me.’
    She was still holding his arm when they reached Janice’s cottage. At the same time Trevor pulled up in his car. He cast them a speculative glance, but before he could speak Taryn said, ‘Congratulations, Trevor. You’re a father at last!'
    He frowned and looked towards the house. ‘I can’t be—Janice was all right when I left. She’s another month yet—where is she?’ and he began running towards the door.
    ‘She’s not there,' Taryn called out. ‘She had a fall.’ He stopped and looked back in concern. ‘Don’t worry, she’s perfectly okay. Your son’s beautiful.’
    ‘My son! ’ Trevor said the words proudly, experimentally. ‘I must go. Where is she—Exeter?’
    Taryn nodded. ‘At the ’
    Trevor was already climbing back into his car.
    ‘Be careful,’ she called, ‘mind how you go,’ but her words were lost as his wheels spun the gravel and he disappeared in a cloud of dust.
    ‘A cup of tea would be very welcome now,’ said Luke, heading in the direction of Honeysuckle Cottage.
    The idea of being alone in the cottage with Luke was both tantalising and frightening. Taryn wanted desperately to be near him—but was it wise? He gave every indication that he no longer treated her as an employee. In fact,

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