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Authors: Unknown
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he seemed to find her very desirable. Under these circumstances would it be prudent to take him home? On the other hand, if she refused he would think it childish. After all, he had gone out of his way to bring her back here and Gammy would expect her to reward his kindness. ‘Me, too,’ she said hesitantly. ‘It’s been rather an exhausting day.'
    Once inside Taryn was even more aware of Luke’s presence. His height dwarfed the already small rooms and when he offered to help in the kitchen it was inevitable that their bodies should touch.
    ‘Would you like something to eat?’ asked Taryn breathlessly, more for something to say than because she was hungry herself. If things had been different she would have enjoyed Luke’s company; as it was, her whole body was on edge, wondering whether he would take advantage of the situation—even wanting him to. She curled her fingers in her palms to try and still their trembling. He must not see the effect his presence had on her.
    ‘I thought you’d never ask,' he mocked, apparently unaware of her tension.
    ‘Sorry,' she grimaced. ‘It was thoughtless of me. How about a salad? There’s some cold chicken in the fridge, and one of Gammy’s apple pies to follow.'
    ‘Sounds great. I'll go and get a lettuce.'
    Whistling softly to himself, he disappeared into the garden and Taryn took the opportunity of the few moments she was alone to try and pull herself together. What’s the matter? she chided. Luke’s given no indication that he has any ulterior motive in inviting himself here. You’re behaving like a lovesick schoolgirl instead of a responsible adult. In any case, surely you know how to handle him should he try any funny business? Of course she did. She was worrying for nothing. It wasn’t the first time they had been alone, and nothing had happened before—so why was she working herself up into such a state now?
    ‘Here we are.' Luke dropped the lettuce into the sink and turned on the tap. ‘Come on, slowcoach.' he called over his shoulder, ‘you’ve done nothing while I was away.’
    Taryn smiled. ‘I was thinking how strange it was to have you here like this.'
    ‘You don’t mind?’
    ‘Of course not,' she lied. ‘Gammy would expect it of me.'
    ‘So you’re entertaining me purely to please your aunt?’
    ‘Don’t be silly,' retorted Taryn before she noticed the dimple in his cheek. ‘Oh, stop making fun of me! ’
    ‘Would you like me to do something else?’ He didn’t look round again, but his deepening voice told her what he had in mind.
    ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ she said primly.
    ‘I think you do.’ He looked at her now, but at her startled expression he laughed suddenly and flicked a wet lettuce leaf in her direction. ‘Don’t worry, I’m too hungry to think of other things. Anyway, what’s got into you today? You seem different. I haven’t done anything to upset you?’
    Taryn shook her head. ‘It’s probably because of Janice. I don’t like hospitals very much.'
    He looked relieved. ‘I should have known. What shall I do next?’ He piled the lettuce into a dish and stood it on the table. ‘Slice the tomatoes?'
    ‘There’s no need—really, I can manage.'
    ‘I like helping,’ he insisted. ‘It’s sort of cosy doing things together. I never knew domesticity could be such fun.’
    She wondered whether he ever helped his wife. Or whether he was away from home so often that the opportunity never arose. It was a peculiar state of affairs.
    At last the meal was ready. They carried it into the living room and arranged it on the table near the window. Dale End was in full view from this point and as Taryn poured their tea she noticed the way Luke kept looking up towards the house. ‘I wonder if the plumbers came?’ she mused.
    Luke nodded. ‘They were there this morning. I really must congratulate you on the way things are turning out. It’s better than I dared hope.’
    ‘I’m pleased myself.’ Taryn’s face

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