Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2))

Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) by Luke Young Page B

Book: Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) by Luke Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Luke Young
Tags: Romance, Sex, sexy, tennis, Contemporary Fiction, divorce
where Jim, Ed, and Beverly were already enjoying their dessert.
    "Are you feeling better, dear?" Beverly asked sarcastically.
    "Much better."
    "Our church believes that any kind of sexual contact outside of marriage is a sin."
    Brian gasped. "Mom."
    "I'm just telling her why I used the word, 'pornography,' before. We're just having an adult discussion about it."
    As Brian gave his mother a look, Jillian was barely paying attention while staring at him as he sat directly across the table from her. "No, it's okay, Brian," Jillian began as she slipped off her shoe and lifted her foot to his groin. She pressed her toes into his penis, and he coughed. "My books do involve couples having premarital sex, but it's what the market demands. If I was writing about only married couples, I don’t think I'd sell nearly as many books." She massaged his penis with her toes while they each enjoyed a spoonful of ice cream.
    After choking a little on his, Brian sat up straight, and his shorts grew more crowded. Reaching down surreptitiously, he adjusted his underwear through his pants. His manhood slipped through the leg hole and extended a bit more. He breathed out with relief.
    "You might want to consider going after a more sophisticated audience. You could write about something else." Beverly stared smugly at her.
    Jillian took a deep breath and put on a fake smile. "You know, I may just consider that. Thank you so much for the suggestion."
    Jim and Brian shared an odd look as they took in Jillian's reaction. Returning her eyes back to Brian, she slid her toes slowly along the length of his now fully erect penis as it traveled down the leg of his shorts.
    His mouth shot open. "Is anyone else hot in here?"
    "Honey, maybe you're catching a cold." Beverly looked at him with sudden concern.
    "This is amazing," Jillian said about the ice cream. "How do you like it, Brian?"
    She pushed down harder on his groin, and he groaned, "It is really, really, really good."
    Smiling brightly, Jillian returned her attention to Beverly while her foot still attended to her man. "Your home is so lovely, Beverly. And you’ve raised such handsome sons."
    "Thank you so much, dear."
    "And Brian is such a good cook. I can eat whatever he makes. It tastes so good." She gripped his package with her toes.
    "She..." Brian said in a high voice, which caused his family to give him a strange look. "... loves when I make, uh..." He trailed off when Jillian squeezed him again. He wore a strange expression, and his parents looked at him, confused. He tried to compose himself but failed miserably when she gently pressed her toes into his balls. Sighing, he looked at Jillian, desperately wanting to fill her mouth with, well, something he was close to making right now. "... pancakes. Yeah that's what she likes."
    Everyone at the table nodded in agreement.
    "I've never tasted a better one." Jillian stared at him while licking her lips seductively.
    Brian cleared his throat. "Jillian, uh, I really want to show you the tree house. Do you want to see it now, before it gets dark?"
    Picking up her glass, Beverly turned to her younger son. "Jim, why don’t you go with them?"
    Jim returned an odd look. "I guess, uh... Okay."
    "Great," Brian said a little sarcastically. "But first, Jillian, my stomach doesn't feel right. Did you bring some of that medicine you have for... uh—"
    "I sure did."
    Rising up from the table, Brian quickly turned away so no one could see his inflamed condition. Jillian swiftly followed, as Beverly said, "Brian, I have some Pepto if you need it."
    "Thanks, Mom, but I'd like to try this first." They headed to the hallway, and Brian added, "We’ll be ready to leave in two minutes... maybe less."
    Jillian followed Brian to his bedroom and closed the door. She slipped down to her knees, as Brian ripped down his shorts, and she pressed his back against the door. His rock-hard erection sprang up, and she devoured it with her mouth, slurping loudly on

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