Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2))

Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) by Luke Young Page A

Book: Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) by Luke Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Luke Young
Tags: Romance, Sex, sexy, tennis, Contemporary Fiction, divorce
He looked at his mother in disbelief. "It took a lot for her to come here. She’s trying to be friendly, and you're being awful."
    "She’s just so much older than you, dear."
    "She not that much older!"
    "Fourteen years," Edward added.
    "Thanks, Dad. We’re getting... We’re dating. Either you can accept that and spend some time with us or continue to act like little children, and we’ll leave."
    After Bev and Ed shared a look, they took bites of their food and smiled happily at each other, completely ignoring their son. Scowling at them, Brian waited a moment for a reply. When none came, he left the room.
    Inside the guest room, he found Jillian on the bed, but she didn’t seem to be that upset. After he closed the door, they shared a look that morphed into a smile. He sat on the bed next to her. She took his hand. "I understand how she feels."
    "Yeah, okay, but she doesn’t need to be such a bitch about it."
    "No, she doesn't. Can I tell you something? Being here and something about the way your mother is treating me is... is really making me horny. Is that horrible?" She gazed at him with a hopeful look.
    "No, I feel the same way. We weren’t even allowed to masturbate in this house. They even took the locks off the doors to the bathroom and both our rooms."
    "You poor baby."
    "I've never even had a girl over before. And seeing you here... It's weird, but I've had, like, semi-wood since we got here."
    She gave him a sorrowful, sexy look.
    Brian whispered, "I'm convinced my parents haven't had sex in twenty years. I once overheard my mom talking on the phone, like, ten years ago. She was telling a friend that at work, they were talking about oral sex, for some reason. It was a whole group of women, and my mother said, ‘Why would you want to put something like that in your mouth?’"
    Jillian scoffed. "I love putting that in my mouth."
    "I know you do."
    Placing her hands on his shoulders, she grinned. "We should try to do it every chance we get while we’re here."
    "We should." He nodded enthusiastically, more-than-completely on board. "There’s a tree house out back in the woods. We can sneak back there if we get desperate. Oh, and my parents go out to play Bingo every Thursday night. We can really go nuts then. It’ll be weird, since I’ve never once had an orgasm in this house."
    "Oh, my God." She frowned. "I think Rob has jerked off three times a day since he was fourteen. The noise coming out of that bathroom, uh..."
    "That’s too much information." Brian paused, thinking. "Oh, I did have that wet dream once when I was thirteen, and I think they hit me with the belt."
    "They didn’t." She stared at him in horror.
    "It’s a wonder I can get an erection at all." She just looked at him, unsure what to say, and he added, "Just be nice to my mother—well, within reason anyway."
    "Oh, I will. I’ll just keep thinking of the nasty things I’ll be doing to her firstborn son while I talk to her. That’s how I’ll smile."
    "She’ll warm up to you eventually, I hope."
    Giving him a sexy look, she placed her hand on his thigh. "You want me to put something like that in my mouth right now?" As she said it, blood headed that way. Before he could nod, there was a single knock at the door, and it swung open. Jillian pulled her hand away as Beverly's smiling face appeared. "Would you like some dessert?"
    "Mom, you really shouldn't barge in. What if she was getting dressed?"
    "I would hope that you wouldn’t be in here, then."
    "Right, Mom."
    Beverly stood, waiting.
    Sighing, Brian looked back at her. "We’ll be right there."
    As Beverly walked away, Jillian whispered, "I’m going to do something so dirty to you tonight, your head is going to spin."
    "Like what?"
    She looked confused for a moment. "Uh, I’m not sure. I’ll think of something. If not, the standard stuff I do is still pretty good, right?"
    "Oh, yeah... sure." He nodded with a big smile.
    Jillian and Brian retuned to the table

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