Forever in Haven's Crossing

Forever in Haven's Crossing by Kyleigh Drake

Book: Forever in Haven's Crossing by Kyleigh Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyleigh Drake
Tags: Romance
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here beside ya.”
    “I know in my heart it’ll be okay, but my head keeps playing games with me. I can’t help it!” she cried.
    “Well you damn sure better help it, ’cause we’re not lettin’ you stay like this for two more weeks. Now you fix it, or we will,” Logan ordered. She knew he was doing it because he cared, but it still didn’t help her much. She was too stressed getting things in order for the boys and more than once she had considered getting a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of rum. Of course, she’d have to do it in secret, because they weren’t gonna get them for her. She might even go shopping. That always made her feel better, too. Caleb and Logan were really generous and gave her an allowance each month that was actually quite a bit more than she would make working somewhere. She’d have to put shopping on her list—and a trip to the spa.
    Over the next week, Kim followed through with her promise to herself and made an appointment at the spa, which made Caleb and Logan really happy. They were both busy the day of her appointment, so Caleb told her to take her car, but to call when she got there and again when she left. She never got to go anywhere by herself anymore since one of them was usually with her, so after she was finished at the spa, she decided to stop by the liquor store. As she went in, she noticed the creepy guy working. She picked out her rum, got a six-pack of Diet Coke and headed for the counter. “I need to get two packs of cigarettes, please,” she said, putting her drinks down.
    “So, are you getting these for Logan or Caleb?” he asked. What the hell?
    “No, I’m getting these for myself, thank you,” she said, trying her best to be polite.
    “So, they know you’re getting them?” he again questioned. Kim was starting to get irritated.
    “Why does it matter?” she asked, a little more rudely.
    “Because I can’t sell you this stuff if they don’t know you’re getting it.”
    “Oh, for heaven’s sake, just forget it—I’ll go get it somewhere else!” she said, exasperated, walking toward the door. Stupid jerk. I’ll just drive to the next town and get what I want. I haven’t called Caleb yet and he doesn’t even know I’ve left the spa. The next town was only twenty five minutes away, so she should have plenty of time to get back. As she started driving, her phone rang. Shit, it’s Caleb. If I answer I’ll have to lie. She sat the phone down, unanswered. Two minutes later, Logan was calling. Dammit! She put the phone down again and continued driving. A few seconds later, her phone dinged, alerting her that she had a text message from Caleb. When she looked at the phone, she read, You have 30 seconds to call me. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Dammit and fuck! I bet that asshole called them! She pulled over to the side of the road and called Caleb back.
    He didn’t even say “hello” when he answered. Instead, she got, “Where the hell are you?”
    “Uh, I’m on my way home,” she replied, knowing she was in big trouble.
    “You had better be pulling up to this house in no more than twenty minutes—am I clear?”
    “Y–yes,” she whispered. Click. Great! She started to feel the butterflies in her stomach as she headed home and she could swear they were multiplying by the minute.
    They were both on the porch waiting for her when she pulled up. Caleb leaned against the bannister, his arms crossed over his chest, and Logan sat with his boots propped up on the bannister, his fingers laced behind his head. Neither of them was smiling. She wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans and took a deep breath before she got out. She started to feel panicky, which usually meant she wasn’t going to be making good decisions. Her mind told her to be smart, but she knew her body would let the panic take over and this wasn’t going to end well. She stood at her car door, watching them watch her. “I’m not coming in unless you promise I won’t get a spanking,” she

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