Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)

Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) by L. A. Miller

Book: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) by L. A. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. A. Miller
it….and what you’re getting out of the deal compared to the rest of them is peanuts….”
    “It’s just….I’ve never been beholden to anyone before… it makes me feel like a kept woman.”
    “ Look at it as payoff from your family for what they did to your father.”
    “Yes but you are the one making the payout .” She protested.
    “ For the company.” He reminded her. “You know.” He said looking at her desert. “I don’t think you plan on eating that….do you want to get out of here?”
    Bailey looked at her desert which was now a mangled mess and laughed . “Yes.”
    Beckett pulled out a credit card and motioned for the check. Instead of waiting they took it to the front where he paid for their meal while Bailey used the ladies room.

Chapter 9
    Bailey was still going over the conversation while she used the ladies room. She was surprised how genuinely nice Beckett was. She also couldn’t help but notice the way women’s eyes followed him as they entered the restaurant. He was good looking she had to admit with his dark unruly hair and five o’clock shadow. Very few men could pull that off and he was definitely one of them. Even beneath his tailored shirt she could make out the hard planes of his chest that led to his narrow sculptured waist. His black chinos hugged his hips suggestively and when he walked he oozed sex appeal. During dinner she had studied his hands, strong and though groomed she could see the calluses on his palms from manual labor. She began to wonder again what they would feel like running over her bare skin. She hadn’t realized she was blushing till the woman grooming herself in the mirror at the vanity laughed.
    “Dear…you hang on to that stallion….men like him are hard to find, especially in this town.”
    Bailey met her eyes in the mirror and saw raw desire there. Understanding what she had just insinuated made Bailey blushed even more. Grabbing her clutch she smiled politely then headed out to find Beckett. He was standing with his back to her holding her wrap and as if sensing her he turned and flashed a dazzling smile. She shook her head to bring herself back to reality. This was a business arrangement and he already had a woman in his life. She repeated in her head as she approached him. As he held up the wrap she stepped into in enjoying the way his fingers remained gently on her shoulders. To all in the restaurant that saw it this was a simple gesture but it spoke a thousand words.
    “Shall we ?” He said offering her his arm.
    Bailey slid her hand through his arm and allowed him to lead her outside where the chill of the night cooled her inflamed cheeks. If Beckett noticed the slight flush to her skin he didn’t comment.
    “So…we could either go dancing…or…just walk for a while?”
    “Walk please .”
    “Not a dancer?” He asked amused.
    “Oh no I love to dance….it ’s just….here there’s too much smoke in the air, I would go home smelling of it and with Tristan’s asthma I don’t want to risk setting it off.”
    Beckett studied her for a moment then asked . “It’s been bad?”
    “He goes in spurts….every time I think I know the pattern as to what causes them he changes….it’s just hard…when he can’t breath e…when the medicine isn’t working fast enough.”
    “I can ’t imagine what that would be’re very brave.”
    Bailey looked at him then shook her head . “No…just a sister who loves her brother….he’s the one that’s brave… with that pain.”
    “You do that a lot .” He said.
    “Do what?”
    “Don’t give yourself enough credit…why do you do that?”
    “I don’t know….maybe because it seems egotistical….I’m just doing what any other sister would do under the circumstances .”
    “I don’t think so…most girls given the responsibility of a younger brother and sister at your age would have run for the hills.”
    “You haven’t met very many nice girls have you ?” She

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