Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)

Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) by L. A. Miller Page A

Book: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) by L. A. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. A. Miller
said now studying him. “What’s she like?”
    “Who ?” He asked frowning. “Macy?”
    “Yes .” She said noticing he seemed uncomfortable discussing her. “I’m sorry…I had no right to pry.”
    “No…I guess you have a right to know….Macy is high maintenance….I guess you might say she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth….her father was in politics so she traveled a lot…went to the finest boarding schools money could buy.” He said and Bailey caught an undercurrent there she couldn’t explain.
    “Is she beautiful ?” She asked studying the displays in the window.
    Beckett studied her and she knew he was mentally comparing her to Macy. Bailey suddenly felt inferior even before she met this woman. She regretted asking and was about to change the subject when he surprised her.
    “Yes…she’s beautiful…in a cold sense of the word.”
    Bailey looked up at him and her surprise must have been written on her face because Beckett smiled as he reached up tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
    “She lacks warmth .” He said studying her for a moment before turning to look at the display
    “So….how long have you two been a couple?”
    “About three years.”
    “How did you two meet ?” She asked as they started walking again this time without her hand through his arm.
    “ At a party….a friend of hers set us up.”
    “You actually needed to be set up ?” She asked surprised.
    “Yes…you know…with a face like this it ’s hard being taken seriously.” He joked. “All the women see is a pretty face.”
    “I can see that .” She grinned. “There was a woman in the restroom that was literally dripping in desire.”
    “Really… .you think I should go back?” He joked as he headed back the way they came.
    “I could always introduce you .” She giggled pulling him forward.
    He looked at her and placing his hand over hers allowed her to lead him away. Bailey walked with him in silence for a moment then continued on with her questions.
    “So why did you tell your mother you’re not the marrying kind?”
    “I don’t know….the idea of being with one person for the rest of your life.”
    “So you don’t ever want to have kids?”
    “ You don’t have to be married to have kids.”
    Bailey stopped and studied him for a moment before she said . “Who was she?”
    “Who was who?” He asked.
    “The one that hurt you so badly that you run from relationships.” Bailey saw the defensive wall come and regretted her comment. “I’m sorry….sometimes I say things without thinking.” She said trying to get back the relaxed moment they had been sharing.
    “I think I should be getting you back .” He said heading towards the car.
    Bailey followed in silence and when he opened her car door she wanted to say something but couldn’t think of anything so she slid into the seat and he closed the door. As he walked around the car Riley noticed the way his m uscle flexed as he tried to reign in his emotions. He sat down gunning the engine as soon as his door shut. Bailey could feel her eyes begin to water and she turned her head looking out the window. Once again she had opened her mouth and pushed someone she was beginning to care about away.
    After driving in silence for a few minutes Bailey felt Beckett slow down the car to a normal speed and heard him sigh.
    “I’m sorry.” He finally said. “I think if this is going to work we need to set ground rules.”
    Bailey wiped the tears then nodded in agreement.
    “I think we’ve learned enough about each other’s past so we should just concentrate on the things that might trip us up.” Bailey looked at him and her expression told him she was confused. “Likes and dislikes, favorite foods, what you don’t like.”
    “Ok .” She agreed.
    “We’ll just call it a night….tomorrow we can meet up after lunch…that should give us time to compile cheat sheets for each other .”
    “Alright .” She said now looking out of

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