
Londongrad by Reggie Nadelson

Book: Londongrad by Reggie Nadelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reggie Nadelson
Tags: Ebook, book
she wants, even though they’re divorced, he says, she is the mother of my children, you know? In that pompous voice he puts when he’s on a roll? My mom has a great big dacha near Barvika, outside Moscow, okay, everything she dreamed of when she was a girl and she married my dad, and they lived in a one-room apartment in Moscow, back in the day. But her tastes she developed in Boca, right?” Val smiled at the idea of her mother’s tastes. “So she has the condo in Boca, and a place in London, and a great big dacha in Barvika, I mean huge, with a fabulous pool with faux Impressionists painted on the bottom.
    “She was just this provincial Russian girl when they got married, and he was like this big rock guru in Moscow, and he performs and she lies down on the stage one night and licks his boots. She was gorgeous. What a crazy time, I wish I was there, the 80s sound so fabulous in Moscow. Well, whatevs. Anyhow, my mom’s new dacha has marble and gold taps, and there’s a tennis court, and a pool, one indoors, one out.”
    “What about her boyfriend?”
    “He loves it. You remember him? The one who wears the yachting cap and the real gold buttons on his blazer? He has money, but now he feels he has class. I mean he’s global now. I think he comes from New Jersey. So, you see, I’ll be in safe hands. You should come visit. Moscow is wild. Daddy’s club is hot, he’s a star, he’ll be going on celebrity chef or something, or celebrity wine master, whatever.” She leaned over the table. “I love him a lot, Artie. I love my dad, you know, more than anyone? I won’t do anything to make him worry, I promise. Or you.”
    “But you’re careful, right? I mean you don’t get crazy when you talk to officials over there, about the kids you help and stuff.”
    “Of course not. But it’s fine, it’s all really official, we get help from NGOs, we get help from the US ambassador. You think I want to get involved with anything weird over there? Forget about it. I’m an American. I’m a perfect American girl, right?” She pursed her lips and made a rueful noise.
    “You have a Russian passport?”
    “Yes. Also.”
    “You travel a lot, you, Tolya.”
    “We like to travel,” she said, half sardonic. “Movement is everything. My mom remembers when she was my age, the only place she was ever allowed to go outside the Soviet Union was once to Bulgaria.” She put her hand up to her head. “God, my head hurts,” she said.
    “You okay?”
    “I’ve been feeling kind of weird lately, I don’t know, my stomach, my head. I’ve been using some new chemical in my darkroom, I think the smell makes me feel bad.”
    “What kind of stuff?” Tell me, I wanted to say. Tell me and I’ll make you feel better whatever it is.
    I wanted to put my arms around her, but I just drank my coffee.
    “Oh, Artie, it’s nothing. Listen, did my dad ask you to work for him again?”
    “Yeah, every other day. I think he feels sorry for me because I’m always broke.”
    “Don’t go into business with my dad. You wouldn’t like it.”
    “Why not?”
    “That would mean the end of your love affair.”
    For a moment I thought she meant us, her and me, and I was startled.
    “What love affair?”
    “You and my dad, of course,” said Val. “Not like that, you idiot, I mean, never mind. It’s about the best kind, about friendship. But if you went into business, you’d have to do things you wouldn’t like. It would offend your moral code,” said Valentina.
    “I don’t have a moral code. You make me sound like some guy with a poker up his ass. What moral code?”
    She sat down again, this time on the edge of a chair, put her elbows on the table and her face close to mine. “Well, not that kind,” she said and kissed me lightly on the lips. “For sure not that kind, Artie. We got past that last night, didn’t we? That kind of crap that says I’m too young for you, you hear me?”
    I nodded.
    “I’ll tell you everything tonight,

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