Chapter One
    The dreary afternoon rain proved distracting as hell and when the phone rang, Sabrina eagerly grabbed it, hoping for some kind of diversion from the boring article she had to write about the economy.
    "Sabrina, I've got a peach of an assignment for you!" Marv always sounded like he had the greatest assignment in the world for her, but they usually turned out to be the same mind numbing dreck she'd been writing for the past six months since she'd signed on to freelance for the Whittaker Agency.
    Sabrina rolled her eyes. "What is it this time, Marv?" She reached for her pen and pad because boring or not, dreck paid the bills, and the rent on her apartment would be due in two weeks.
    "Exotic Destinations is looking for an article on the Solstice celebrations on Avebury Plain in Wales. I know you used to live over there, so I thought you might like first crack at it."
    Sabrina's knees nearly buckled. She'd run as far and as fast as she could from Wales, and the past, and here Marv smacked her in the face with it.
    "Um," she stammered, her mind racing a million different directions.
    "Sabrina, you okay? If you aren't interested, I can give it to someone else," Marv said quickly. "I thought you'd like to maybe see the old stomping grounds."
    "No, I mean yes, I would like to go back. I have several friends there that I haven't seen since I left. What is the assignment exactly?"
    "I'm emailing you the details, just make sure to get back to me within the hour or I'll have to go to the next writer on the list. This is a plum and I know several people who aren't going to be happy I didn't call them first."
    "Got it, Marv, and thanks for thinking of me." Sabrina opened her email.
    She clicked on the message and sat down heavily in her chair, the phone falling to the floor, forgotten.
    The details of the article were simple, cover the annual celebration of Summer Solstice on Avebury Plain. She'd need to include pictures and local customs. They would pay for her airfare and room and board along with a five thousand dollar payday once the article had been turned in. With effort, Sabrina pulled her gaze from the screen and picked up her planner. It would be tight, but she could fit the trip into her schedule. The only question now? Did she consider herself ready to go back there?
    Setting down her calendar, she rose from her chair and wandered over to the window, staring out at the rain. Memories slammed into her with bruising force…
    "Who's that? They must be new staff."
    Sabrina glanced up and over to where Ronnie nodded. At one of the tables against the wall sat two men. Newcomers were a rare event for Llewellyn Women's College, being so far off the beaten track. The dark haired one lifted his head and cool green eyes met hers in a frank stare.
    She flushed and dropped her gaze back down to her book, cheeks burning. "No idea."
    "He's cute," Ronnie said, continuing to stare in obvious appreciation.
    Sabrina looked at the two men from beneath her lashes. Yeah, one was cute, but the other—well, cute wouldn't be the term she'd use. Intense, brooding, sexy as all hell—those fit him much better. From the top of his thick, black hair, down his rugged, craggy face with its oft broken nose and square jaw, to impossibly wide shoulders, thickly muscled chest, a narrow waist and legs that looked like tree trunks—yeah, cute would be a misnomer. The tingle of awareness flaring deep inside of her made her response more caustic than usual.
    "If you say so," she replied, dropping her gaze back down to her book.
    The words swam on the page and she couldn't shake the inexplicable something that made her want to lift her eyes and devour him slowly, like a rich, decadent soufflé.
    "He obviously likes what he sees," Ronnie said tartly, flipping her long, blonde hair back over her shoulder and straightening, thrusting her ample chest out when she preened.
    "Aren't you dating Doofus?" Sabrina frowned, carefully marking her

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