Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1)

Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1) by Marisa Chenery Page A

Book: Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1) by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
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pieces of meat in the hide.
    She set to work cooking them their venison dinner while Rune and
Gada sliced up the rest of the meat to smoke. They spoke in English. She knew it
was for her benefit so she wouldn’t feel left out. Soon their conversation
turned to the two Xphen scientists in the other camp.
    “What are we going to do about them?” Kylah asked.
    Rune placed a long branch that had a chunk of meat on it close to
the fire before he answered. “We’re going to kill them.”
    Gada shook his head. “They aren’t alone. Besides Torlak and myself,
there are six other soldiers. The scientists are guarded at all times. We’ll
never get past them.”
    “You and Kylah will. I want you to take her to the camp tomorrow as
the Xphens planned. I’ll take out the soldiers who guard the perimeter while
you two take out the ones closest to the scientists. Once they no longer have
their muscle to protect them, they’ll be easy to end.”
    “What if something goes wrong and I end up trapped?” Kylah asked.
    Rune ran a hand down her cheek. “That won’t happen. You’ll just have
to give them a taste of the super solider they made you to be. You’re too fast
and strong to get caught.”
    “Okay, say everything goes as planned. Won’t the Xphens send more
troops down to the surface when they lose contact with the scientists?”
    “Maybe, but the biggest threat will be eliminated. They won’t send
any more scientists down until they perceive there isn’t one anymore. As a species,
the Xphens are physically weak. They only stand at about four feet tall and
have no muscle mass worth speaking of. They’re known for their huge
intelligence. They leave the fighting to the conscripts and mercenaries.
Killing two of their kind will send a ripple of fear through them.”
    “I’ll have to trust you on that. We’ll still have to move higher up
on the mountain and make a new camp deeper in the woods.”
    “That’ll be easier to do with the runners. They can go where your
cars can’t.”
    “Then I guess tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”
    Kylah hoped like hell nothing went wrong. Gada and Rune were
comfortable making an attack on the camp, but warfare was out of her range of
experience. And she’d never tested her new abilities to the extent of what Rune
had planned.
    * * * *
    All three of them bedded down in the tent that night. Gada had to
set the perimeter field with his wrist control. Kylah slept in Rune’s arms
while Gada took the second sleeping bag. At their new camp, they were going to
have to figure out a separate sleeping area for him. Sharing the tent had put
lovemaking on hold for her and Rune.
    The morning broke clear and sunny. After a quick breakfast of cereal
bars from Kylah’s stash of supplies, they started the first part of their plan.
She rode on the back of Rune’s runner. The small vehicle could go incredibly
fast, and skimmed above the top of the ground.
    A half mile before they reached the Xphen camp, they stopped. Rune
would have to make the rest of the journey on foot. Kylah unbuckled her sword belt
and handed it to Gada. He did it up and then slipped his arm and head through
it so it lay across his chest. She climbed onto the back of his runner and held
on to his waist.
    Rune came to stand beside them and gave Kylah a long, hard kiss.
“Don’t be nervous. It’ll be okay. Follow your instincts.” She nodded. He looked
at Gada. “Give me a head start to reach the camp before you do.”
    Gada nodded. “See you soon.”
    Rune took off at a run through the trees toward the camp. God, she
didn’t know what she’d do if something happened to him. Before they’d joined
Gada in the tent last night, Rune had told Kylah that he truly did want her for
his mate, if she’d have him. She’d kissed him and said she wanted the same
thing. They hadn’t professed their love for one another, but it was something between
them. She figured she was already more than halfway there,

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