Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1)

Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1) by Marisa Chenery

Book: Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1) by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
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I get the runners?”
    “Okay. We do need the meat.” Kylah gave him a kiss, then stood and
walked out of the camp with her bow and quiver of arrows on her back.
    Rune and Gada stood as well. His friend gave him a strange look, and
asked, “What was that mouth on mouth thing you did with Kylah?”
    Rune chuckled. “That, my friend, is what Earthlings call a kiss.
They use it to show affection. You have no idea how…stimulating…it can be.”

Chapter Eight
    Kylah returned to camp after a successful hunt. She carried a large
buck draped over her shoulders. She’d taken it down with one arrow. For never
even attempting to use a bow before that day, she’d made two kills, hitting
exactly where she’d aimed. She was comfortable using a bow and arrows as she
was a sword.
    She dropped the deer at Rune’s and Gada’s feet. They were by the
fire pit with a bunch of alien-looking items around them. She glanced to the
left and saw two vehicles that weren’t from this planet. They were those wheel-less
motorcycles she’d seen the day she’d captured Rune. They had to be the runners.
    “Here you guys go,” she said. “I got us dinner. I’ll cook it, but I
have no idea how to dress a deer since that was my first time to hunt.”
    “I’ll do it.” Rune picked up something that looked like a metal
handle from a knife. He pushed a button on the side of it, and a laser blade
shot up. “I’ve had to hunt for my dinner on more than one planet in my line of
work.” He picked up the deer.
    As he walked away, Kylah said, “Don’t dress it too close to camp,
and don’t take too long. Any turned nearby will smell the blood and be drawn to
    “I’ll be as quick as I can. Be sure to have the fire going. We’ll
have to smoke a lot of the meat or risk losing it.”
    Once Rune was gone, Kylah kneeled at the fire pit and set some
kindling inside it to get a fire started. Gada kneeled beside her and helped.
She glanced at him as she worked. It was easy for her to accept Rune, but Gada
was a different story. He was so alien-looking compared to humans.
    “You don’t have to feel uncomfortable around me,” Gada said. “I
would never try to hurt you. You’re Rune’s mate. In Neele, it’s a great honor
to have a female chose a male to be her mate. Since he is my friend, I would do
anything to protect you.” Even speaking in English his voice was laced with
    Kylah turned her gaze on Gada. His snow-white eyes were turned
toward her. There was a light black ring around the outer edge of the iris with
a black circle for his pupil. He appeared fearsome with those long bottom
eyeteeth of his, but with his toothy grin, he didn’t give off a vibe that told
her to run for her life.
    She nodded. “Thanks, though I think I can take care of myself with
all the super solider abilities I have going on.”
    “When Rune and I went to get the runners and supplies, he told me
more of what you’re capable of. All the more reason to keep you out of the
Xphens’ clutches.”
    “I do appreciate all you’re giving up.”
    Gada chuckled. “I should be thanking you and Rune. I’ve been an
Xphen conscript for the last twenty years. You offered me freedom, something
I’ve longed for, and never had the opportunity to take until now. Plus, I know
what it’s like to have the Xphens come to my planet and conquer it. Mine was
luckier than yours since they didn’t try to kill off or change the majority of
the population. We were too valuable as conscripts and slaves. My people knew
nothing of war until they arrived.”
    “The more I hear of the Xphens the more I detest them.”
    “That’s how most species in my galaxy think of them, but they’re too
powerful to cross.”
    Kylah took her lighter out of her jeans pocket and then lit the
fire. Once the kindling burned nicely, she placed some larger pieces of wood
onto the flames. They were roaring and hot by the time Rune returned with the
butchered deer. He’d wrapped the

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