Fair and Tender Ladies

Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith

Book: Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Smith
Tags: Historical, Adult
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crazy because I feel they is something terible starting to happen and you know it is dog days so whatever it is will go on happening, but I remane yo

    My dear Molly,
    Babe is dead.
    He was shot in the back of the head by a man named Arlen Snipes, or so everbody says, we do not know it for sartin.
    This is what all happend.
    Babe had been gone from here upwards of a week, over to Kentucky trading or so he said, of coarse we never knowed where Babe went when he left nor what he was up to nether. I wuld like to know what he had to trade. He was up to no good, I reckon it is fair to say, and I dont care iffen I speak ill of the dead or not. Some men had been up here after him about some monney, while he was gone. But they say he had got in a whole nother ruckus over at Pineville about a mans wife that he had been messing around with for some time, and she run off from her husband after him, left two little old babys ther at the house, but when she got up with Babe he wuldnt have her, and sent her back to her old man, now this was Arlen Snipes. And so then Arlen Snipes come out after Babe, telling everbody in Pineville goodbye and that he wuldnt be back afore him or Clarence Wayne Rowe was dead, one. And his pretty blackhaired wife come out in the road crying and twisting her hands and begging him not to do it but he said, Gussie, get on back in the house now .
    Who knowed what Gussie had in mind, or what she wanted to happen? Can you imagine this Molly I can not!
    But the first thing anybody over here knowed about it was Tuesday after supper when it was just coming on for dark, and Granny Rowe was over here visiting, and we was all sitting out on the porch with the littluns, and all of a sudden we heerd a shot ring out in the nigt over the treefrogs and crickets, real close by. Then a horse started winnying.
    Well did you heer that? Momma says, sitting strate up, and Granny Rowe says, It sounds like a shot to me, and not far off nether.
    Oh no, Beulah says. Beulahs baby is sucking at her titty.
    Sounds to me like it was rigt down the hill ther, says Granny Rowe. She is smoking her pipe on the porch, she has got smoke all around her head. The horse was down ther squeeling bloody murder at the creek.
    Im going down ther, says Garnie who is morbid as you know, and he jumps off the porch and runs down the holler and Momma says, Ivy, go after him. He ougtnt to go alone. I have to say, I wanted to go down ther anyway, you know how I am so curios! So I took off running after Garnie, hollering Garnie honey, wait on me! But he wuld not wait for a thing. I ran along throgh a whole bunch of lightning bugs, it was like I was running throgh stars.
    Then I heerd Garnie.
    Ivy, Ivy, he hollered, Oh lord, Ivy come here, and I follered his voice acrost Sugar Fork to where he had come upon Babe laying on the creekbank down from the trail. This old horse he was riding had got itself all tangled up in a thornbush, it was raring and plunging and winnying, and culd not get away, wich was lucky for us as I will relate direckly.
    Babe was laying half in and half out of the creek, it was so dark we culdnt hardly see him. The bullfrogs was making a racket all along the creek. Babe, Babe, I said and I pulled at his shirt and tryed to turn him over. When I got a good look at his face it was nearabout gone, nothing but blood, but when I layed my head on his back I thoght I culd heer his hart.
    Garnie honey, I said to Garnie, you go on back to the house and get Granny Rowe and see can she do anything for Babe, and I am going to get on this horse and ride him down to Home Creek and get some of the neghbor people, it looks like a murder to me.
    Ivy you cant ride that horse, Garnie said. Garnie was hunkered down looking at Babe, it was getting dark real fast.
    Well I am going to, I said, and I said Whoa now to the horse in a big voice and reached in ther and got his bridle untangled and hopped alongside of him till I culd fling myself up on his back. He was

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