Fair and Tender Ladies

Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith Page A

Book: Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Smith
Tags: Historical, Adult
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not a real big horse or I wuldntve done it, also I used to ride a horse if ever they was a horse up here, or a mule ether one. So I got up on the horse and then he started bucking. I jerked him in evertime he jumped, and his shoes struck sparks from the rocks along ther by Sugar Creek. All rigt now boy, I said, lets go. He clumb back up the creekbank to the trail with me holding on for dear life. He stomped a little and looked around oncet he got up ther, and I got a holt of him good, and looked back down ther where Babe was laying in the dark with all them loud-loud frogs. Ill be back as soon as I’m able, I said not knowing iffen Babe culd hear me or not. Garnie had took off for home.
    And do you know what I seed then, Molly, or thoght I seed?
    I thoght I seed Silvaney slipping out from the pinetrees on the other side of the creek and coming acrost the creek so smooth on the steppystones like she was gliding, with her hair hanging down to her waist. Coming over ther to where Babe was laying. No, Silvaney, go back! I hollered. Go back! For I did not want her to see, but Babes horse rared up at that minit and I had to rassle his head down and when I looked back down ther I culdnt see her in the dark.
    Git on then, I said to the horse. I gave him his head and let him pick his own way down Sugar Fork, and all that long way down to Home Creek too. My mind was going around and around. Now Babe is probly dead, I toled myself. It is what you have wanted all along, and because this was true I felt awful. I felt so bad. Oh Molly, dont never wish for nothing, for you are liable to get it. Granny Rowe says this and it is true.
    So while I was riding down ther, the moon come up, the biggest prettest full moon come up just like it was any other nigt in the world, so ligt and lovely it like to took my breth. I knowed it wuld shine on no matter what, and this given me a turn. The moon dont give a damn, I said to myself, and it dont. The moonligt come down throgh the leaves as brigt as day, a cool white ligt, I culd see everthing just as clear when I come riding outen the woods and seen the neghbor peoples houses all in a nice little row. I felt like the highwayman come riding, riding, up to the old inn door. I have got terible news! I wanted to yell but I was too tired to yell. I turned in the saddle and looked back up on Blue Star Mountain wich looked huge and dark and full of mistery, even under that big full moon. You can not see our house from down ther on Home Creek, nor any sign of it. The moon had got up full by then. It hung real low and big in the sky over Pilgrim Knob, and it put me in mind of Silvaney, coming acrost the creek.
    Babes horse was wellnigh foundered by then, twerent any problem to halt him at Delphi Rolettes, but when I got down offen him my legs buckled rigt out from under me and it was all I culd do to get acrost the yard and bang on the door.
    Wake up wake up its me Ivy Rowe, I said, and my brother Babe has been murdered.
    Well to make a long storey short, this was true, Babe having brethed his last about the time that I made it down to Home Creek I reckon, with Granny Rowe and Momma with him but it was too late, even Granny Rowe culdnt do nothing to stop him bleeding.
    So it was early morning by the time that Mister Rolette and Mister Fox and the rest of them come back up ther bringing the law with them, this is Sargent Pope from Majestic, a little old fatbellied man that looks like a cookstove and didnt do nothing but write SHOT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD on a piece of paper. I rember I went out on the porch in the early morning whilst Sargent Pope was examming Babe who was layed in the floor.
    What will they do now? What will happen? This was Garnie out ther pestering all the men to death with questins.
    Mister Delphi Rolette took a draw on his cigaret and said, Well Garnie its like as not that nothing will happen, may be they can not prove a thing.
    Wich has turned out to be true! That Gussie has turned rigt

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