Fair and Tender Ladies

Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith Page B

Book: Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Smith
Tags: Historical, Adult
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around and swore it on a Bible that Arlen Snipes was laying with her all nigt long on the nigt in questin, and cant nobody disprove it. She knows wich side her bread is buttered on, Granny says.
    But Momma cryed and said, Clarence has been looking for this bullet all his life, now it is finely his. When they layed his coffin in the ground she said, So holp me God I culdnt do a thing with this boy, and Early Cook said, Dont blame yorself now Maude, sometimes that is the way of it, you have had a hard row to hoe. And I knowed he was thinking back to how Momma had run off from her home as a girl and how Daddy had layed in the bed for so long. Early Cook gave us Babes coffin for free, of coarse we culdnt of payed him a cent if we had to, and they berried Babe as quick as they was able, so quick it did not seem decent somehow. Nobody stood up by the coffin or toled any storeys. They berried Babe next to Daddy at sunset that same day but nobody built him a gravehouse nor mentioned it, it is awful I think to go throgh this world like Babe like a streak of lightning and nobody cares. Babe never had a thing to reccomend him but that grin I reckon, it is sad.
    And the only one that loved him was Silvaney.
    Now Molly, this part is awful. For Silvaney never showed up all that livelong day whilst they were signing the papers and berrying Babe, and nobody knowed where she was, you know she has took to wandering. And I culd not say for sartin wether I had seed her that nigt by the creek or not, things was confused in my mind. So I did not say a word about it. But I set out on the porch that nigt and wuld not sleep, looking for Silvaney, I wanted to be the one to tell her for I knowed it wuld upset her so. Finely thogh I just had to sleep, I was hurting all over from riding that horse, and so I went in and layed down on my pallet, and when I got up the next day it was plum noon and I was so sore I culdnt hardly move at first, but Momma was ther sitting in the chair next to me.
    Mommas face looked all washed out and kind of purified and she said, Ivy I have got some more bad news to tell you, and I said, What, Momma? And Momma said, It is Silvaney, and my hart sank. For I had knowed it somehow I think, and I said, Oh Momma, what is it?
    She said, Silvaney knows somehow, she has come back in here and cut at herself with the kitchen knife and run back out in the woods, so Granny says we must ketch her next time and try to holp her, and Granny is going to stay with us to holp out until we have done so.
    Now this means that Tenessee is here too, wich is funny. For Tenessee has taken it in mind that Mister Early Cook who is a batchelder is sweet on her, and says that he is coming back up here for her direckly. So Molly, as I write this letter we are waiting. Granny Rowe and Momma and me are waiting for Silvaney, and Tenessee is waiting for Early Cook. She has got her little bead bag beside her chair. She says she is ready to go off to be maried. I will let you know what happens next for I remane yor devoted frend,

    Dear Mrs. Brown,
    I have thogt and thogt to myself, shuld I keep silent now or shuld I write and tell her my feelings about what she and Mister Brown have gone and done to Silvaney? And at first I thogt, I will not say a thing, for they have only done what they thogt was the best.
    But then agin I thogt how Mister Brown used to push his eyeglasses back on his head and say, Girls, girls, search for the truth, for the truth is more presious than rubies, more dear than love. And Mister Brown read to us that death takes toll of beauty, courage, yuth, of all but truth.
    So I will come rigt out and say what I think, it is as follers, I think you all have done a grave wrong to have brung old Doc Trout up here to sware out a warrant on Silvaney, and that little old stovebellied hateful Sargent Pope. If Daddy was still alive you wuld not have done so I will venture to say, nor Victor here nor Babe alive, ether one.

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