Evince Me
way he's ruining this
surprise, I'm looking forward to seeing his expression. Hopefully
it'll be a good one.
    Gee, one would think I was getting married
tomorrow or something with the whole not seeing the bride before
the wedding thing. "You really think he'll like it?" I asked Anya
searching her face for any sign of dishonesty.
    Her eyes lit up and a smile tugged at her lips.
"I know he'll love it." Anya winked with a smirk. "I'm thinking of
getting Luke the same thing for his birthday, just you watch." She
said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. My Mom's voice carried to my
room from the kitchen shouting out that it was dinner time.
    Lying in bed, I stared up at the ceiling unable
to sleep. Anya was in a deep comatose state next to me. She
obviously didn't have any trouble dozing off without Luke. I on the
other hand didn't catch a wink of shuteye, I missed Tristan too
damn much.
    I can't even begin to tell you how badly I
wanted to get up and sneak over to Tristan's just to be the first
to wish him a happy birthday, but I decided against it fighting
between my mind and body. Eventually my mind won staying put in
bed, I decided to text him instead. I wonder if he's still
    Me: Happy birthday baby, I love u! <3
    Tristan: Thanx beautiful, I love u more!
<3 Why are u awake?
    Me: Couldn't sleep w/out you.
    Tristan: Come over.
    Biting down on my bottom lip, I stared at the
last text message for what seemed like an eternity. Did I want to
go over? I mean technically it's already his birthday, so it
wouldn't hurt to give him part of his give now, would it?
    Discreetly sliding my way off the bed, I threw
on a hoodie and my slippers before tiptoeing out of the room as
quietly as possible. Upon pulling open the front door, I jumped and
opened my mouth getting reading to let loose a scream of terror.
Before the scream could escape a hand cupped over my mouth
silencing me.
    "Shh, I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't want
you walking over by yourself in the dark." Tristan whispered
pulling me out onto the porch and shutting the door. He looked way
too sexy for his own good standing there in a black tee and blue
basketball shorts.
    I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked. "How
were you so sure I was coming over?" I asked curiously. Confident
much, how'd he know I wasn't just going to ignore his last text and
try to roll over to get some sleep?
    "Well..." Tristan answered sheepishly. "I wasn't
going to give you a choice. I was actually on my way over to get
you....kidnap you....same difference." He shrugged with a cheeky
grin. Taking my hand in his, Tristan led us over to his place.
    For some reason unbeknownst to me, I began
fidgeting nervously. What if he doesn't like part one of his gift.
Yes, I have a part one and a part two to his presents, don't judge
me. Tristan glanced over at me in wonderment with scrunched up
    "What's wrong baby?" Tristan asked as we entered
his place, turning to face me he pulled me into his arms. His
muscular arms are my safety-zone, whenever I'm entrapped in them I
forget all my worries. "Why do you look so nervous?" He
    Looking up into his deep gray eyes, I instantly
smiled and shook my head slightly. "I wanted to give you the first
part of your birthday gift." His eyes warmed at my words and a
playful grin tugged at his lips. What a pervert, hope he's not
thinking what I think he is. "But I'm afraid you won't like it." I
    "Baby whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. You
could give me a piece of lint from your hoody pocket and I promise
I'll treasure it like gold." Tristan said seriously, causing me to
giggle. Seriously, a piece of lint?
    Breathing out a sigh, I huffed. "Here it goes."
Unzipping my hoodie so that I stood before him in just my tank top
and yoga pants, Tristan's eyes lit up in amusement. "No..." I
began, cutting off his thought process even before it began.
"You're gift is not me." I joked not

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