Evince Me
    Sorry for not being here when you woke up.
Had a few things to take care of. Thank you for the amazing night.
Love you more than anything else in this world -Tristan.
    'Thank you for the note and
flower. ' I responded with the cheesiest grin plastered
to my face as I brought the flower up to my nose to smell. 'I love you too.' Getting up from
the bed I stretched my sore body and decided to shower before
heading home to get ready. We had a busy day ahead of us filled
with excitement.
    I was pacing back and forth in the front foyer
of my house nervously trying to work up the nerve to go next door.
The ceremony starts in fifteen minutes and here I am being a total
douche. What the heck am I so darn nervous about? I need to woman
up and get my behind over there.
    Maybe it's the fact the entire Monhegan
Moonlight Pack with be next door along with members of Troy's Pack,
we invited them along. Like I said we've all become extremely close
friends. Or it could have be due to the fact that today is the big
day when a crapload of responsibilities will be placed upon my
shoulder, would I be able to live up to the hype? Meet the pack as
well as Tristan's expectations to be the best Luna I could possibly
    Dammit where's Anya when you need her? She's
always able to calm me down with her bossy attitude and joking
manner. She went over to Luke's to get ready for the party since
they haven't seen each other since yesterday. Mmm-hmm get ready for
the party my butt, I know exactly what they’re doing.
    The ringing of the doorbell caused me to freeze
on the spot. Smoothing out my dress and patting down my stray
hairs, I hoped I wasn't too overdressed for the occasion. I don't
want to come off as a complete diva to the pack.
    Standing on my doorstep with his hair styled
messily, was Tristan. He was dressed in a pair of black slacks with
matching black boots and a gray long sleeve button up that matched
his eyes to the tee‍, which was by the way completely unbuttoned
with a thin black tie hanging loosely around his neck.
    His heartbreaking smile took my breath away when
his eyes focused on me, making me feel as though I was the only
girl in the entire world. "You look stunning." He breathed out
licking his lips slowly.
    "Thank you, as do you." I answered nervously
with a smile. Stepping closer to him we stood outside on my porch
as I helped button up his shirt the rest of the way, leaving a few
unbuttoned at the top...just the way I liked it to show off his
muscular chest. Next, I got to work on his tie.
    "I figured something out while I was getting
dressed, it wouldn't be very gentleman like if I didn't come and
escort my date over to the party." Tristan admitted winking at me
playfully. "So I rushed right over here in time to catch you before
you headed out."
    Arriving at the ceremony hand in hand, my
nervousness instantly dissolved the moment Tristan entwined our
fingers together and gave me a reassuring kiss on the head. I
placed the gift in my other hand on the table.
    Second part of his gift which I guess I can
disclose to you guys now since he'll be opening it later on. I
bought Tristan an Ipad2 so that he could organize and keep his
business affairs in order. Thank goodness for the job at the
college bookstore or else I'd be broke and not had any money to buy
him a thing.
    I was passed around like the bread basket at a
dinner table as I got pulled and yanked into hugs by Luke, Anya,
Max, Sam, Jordan, Gabe, Troy, Andre, Axel, Jett, Sal and Lance. My
eyes widened in surprise as I took in a very visibly pregnant
glowing Jewel standing next to Lance.
    She stepped forward with open arms in my
direction, of course this caused me to look over my shoulders both
ways to see who she was approaching, because I sure as hell knew it
wasn't me, at least I hoped it wasn't.
    "Hey you!" Jewel chirped excitedly almost as if
we were long lost friends who haven't seen one another in

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