Everlasting Enchantment
watch two grown people whack each other senseless.”
    The old woman confused him. She seemed to be sure of his failure, while at the same time aiding his cause. As if she could no more make up her mind to it than Millicent. He still felt in awe of the small woman, and the firebird she could become. He would have honored her wishes to stay away from Millicent if she had insisted.
    But she did not.
    Gareth bowed to her and took his leave, following the relic-holder from the cave, watching the sway of her hips with appreciation. Perhaps he might not have been able to stay away from his lady even if the firebird had insisted.
    Millicent stopped at a smooth clearing of sand. He saw the strokes of a branch across the grains and realized she’d prepared this place in advance. Perhaps she was too keenly aware that he could deny her nothing.
    She picked up two sturdy branches, and he recognized the spears he had made. Millicent tossed him one and held her own upright in front of her. Gareth shook his head.
    “Hold it horizontal across your body, like so.” He stepped forward and took her hands, positioning the weapon correctly. It always shocked him when he touched her. A sort of shiver through his blood. “Staff work is different than real swordplay, but you must learn this first.”
    She allowed him to touch her without pulling away. So, there would be an advantage to this after all. He’d never met a woman so unused to being touched, and his hopes soared that sparring with him would enable her to become accustomed to it.
    If he managed to survive the day, that is. More concerned about harming her than protecting himself, she managed to bruise him more than once.
    “You retain the speed and strength of your were-cat,” he panted after several hours of tutelage. “This gives you the advantage over me.”
    “But not much,” said Millicent, scowling. “Not enough to beat you.” The thin skirt she wore stuck to her body with the sweat from their exertions, outlining the long length of her legs. When she turned to set down her spear, he swallowed at the sight she afforded him.
    “You can’t expect to learn so much in a day, my lady. Remember, I’ve had centuries of experience.”
    Millicent turned and collapsed on the sand, still breathing hard from their bout. She sat with her arms around her knees, staring off into the forest, her eyes following the movements of the multicolored mist that danced and wove through the trees.
    Gareth sat beside her, shoulder to shoulder, pleased when she didn’t immediately pull away from him. The lady made such small allowances seem like a great gift. He flexed his arms, enjoying the loose feel of his muscles. It had been too long since he’d had a challenging fight. True battle left him angry and sad, but a session of strength and skill always relaxed his mind and body.
    Millicent appeared to be feeling the same quiet contentment, for they sat a time in silence, listening to the soughing of the branches in the wind.
    “How long do you plan on staying here?” asked Gareth, his voice low, hesitant to destroy the peaceful feeling between them.
    She closed her eyes, tilting her head back to catch an errant breeze. “Long enough for Nell to recover her strength. Shape-shifters don’t take well to confinement.”
    He admired the smooth curve of her throat, the outline of her full lips. “And then?”
    “And then we travel deeper into the Underground until I find a way to get this relic off my wrist.”
    Stubborn wench. He’d already told her there was only one way to remove it.
    “There must be another way,” she continued as if she’d read his mind. “Tell me exactly how you got trapped in the stone.”
    Gareth sighed. He would do anything to convince her he spoke the truth. “I seduced Merlin’s lover.”
    Millicent huffed. “Why am I not surprised?”
    “I was young and foolish,” replied Gareth defensively. “And I thought I was in love. Those are the only excuses I can

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