Everlasting Enchantment
that. Once I’ve crossed that line, there’s no going back.”
    “Giving up yer virginity don’t make ye a whore.”
    “Are you suggesting—”
    “I ain’t doing no such thing. I jest see the way ye look at him, and I don’t want ye blaming yerself if ye can’t resist him.”
    Millicent climbed out of the pool. “Which would make me no better than my mother.” She swished the water off her skin with the palms of her hands. The forest didn’t seem as hot now, after her soak, but she eyed her clothes with a frown. She couldn’t put all that back on, especially if she wanted to hunt in human form.
    Nell struggled into her corset, turning her back so Millicent could help her tighten the laces.
    “I knew ye wouldn’t listen,” she grunted as Millicent yanked the ties. “But I think he’s a nice lad, cursed or not. Ye could do worse in a mate.”
    Millicent stifled her frustration. “So let’s say I can’t resist his charms. Poof! He goes back into the relic and I never see him again. Enough, Nell. I’ll handle it my way.”
    While her friend put on a thin, worn petticoat and her loose cotton dress, Millicent eyed her clothing with a scowl. She picked up a petticoat that could have served as a skirt with the quality of the fabric and began to tear out the horsehair lining that stiffened the hem. With just her chemise, corset, the petticoat, and corset cover, she’d be garbed well enough, by Underground standards.
    They made their way back to the cave through glowing colors. After being in this place, the Underground would appear even more dank and gray.
    “Yes, luv.”
    “Do you think I won’t be able to shift when I get as old as you?”
    Nell looked up at her with a grimace. “Despite the red still in my hair, I’m very, very old, Mill.” The trees swayed and the fans swished above them. She sighed. “I’m not sure.”
    Millicent nodded. “But it’s possible.”
    “Oh, my gel, in my experience, anything is possible.”

    She was waiting for him when the relic spat him forth again. Gareth studied her with appreciation while he collected his wits, which always seemed a bit scattered when he materialized from a smoky haze to solid form. She’d discarded half her clothing and looked the cooler for it. Fashions had changed over the centuries, and although he admired the gowns that made women look like delicate flowers, they had to be uncomfortable to wear. And deuced difficult to get them out of.
    “I want you to teach me how to fight.”
    She shouldn’t be able to surprise him. He’d known thousands of women. But this one always managed to do so. “I am at your service, my lady. But it seems that your cat knows how to use her claws.”
    She shook her head, tangles of midnight hair sweeping her shoulders. “No. I want you to teach my human form how to fight.”
    Gareth started to shed his clothes. This place might be beautiful, but the heat and humidity reminded him of the jungles of Mogow. He remembered their conversation about Nell being unable to shift to firebird at will, and thought he knew why Millicent had made the request. His lady did not want to have to rely upon anyone’s protection.
    Now, or in the future.
    He allowed his admiration for her to show in his eyes as he removed the last of his upper clothing.
    “We’ll start with staffs, then I might let you work with my sword.”
    She nodded as if she understood the importance he placed on his weapon.
    A cackle of laughter from the depths of the cave made him realize Nell had taken a double meaning from his words. He turned and bowed to the old woman, strode over to the pallet of brush she lay upon, and took her hand. “How do you fare, my ladybird?”
    “Ladybird—eh, ye’re a smooth one,” murmured Nell. “My poor gel has no chance against ye at all, does she?”
    “It is my fervent desire that she does not.”
    “Hmph.” She raised her voice. “Off with the two of ye, then. It’s not my idea of fun to

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