said. “Or if you stay here—”
    “I will arrange for you to get home when you’re ready to go,” Roman said. “But, unlike last time we discussed your training, I will expect you to make your own decision about the matter. No one will take offense.”
    There was nothing to think about. Absolutely, she wanted to be alone with Roman. She looked at Lauren. “You won’t be mad?”
    “Jessica, I won’t be mad. Marc and I only want to scene with someone who’s into it. If you’re not, then we’re better off as friends. Besides, I have a feeling Marc might let me keep Tiff.” She winked at Roman.
    “Tiff has been good for you two,” Roman said. “You just might want to work a little harder to convince Marc you’ll be able to keep her work as his secretary out of it.”
    “Don’t worry, I’m on it.” Lauren gave Jessica a warm hug. “Thank you for giving me a chance to scene with you today. You did wonderfully. I’d love to take you out to lunch next week, if you’re up for it. As friends.”
    “I’m still trying to figure out why you’d want my company, Mistress Lauren,” Jessica said. “Especially after I messed things up here like this.”
    “Hey!” Lauren put her finger under Jessica’s chin, so she had no choice but to look straight into her pretty blue eyes. “Cut out the low-self-esteem crap. You’re supposed to get over that when you’re done being a teenager.”
    Jessica giggled. “Okay. And lunch sounds awesome. Thank you.”
    “Good.” Lauren gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and then stood on her tippy toes to give one to Roman. “I’ll let you know how my spanking goes, sir .”
    She laughed and walked out the front door, leaving Jessica and Roman alone in the front hall.
    Alone. With Roman.
    “Do you think Marc’s really going to spank her?” she asked.
    “No. He’s only her Dom in the bedroom. But if she were my submissive, she’d absolutely be spanked.” He paused. “How do you feel about that?”
    Her feminist younger sister would have a heart attack. So would her parents. But Jessica kind of liked the idea of being taken in hand by a man like Roman.
    “Well, if the woman consents, it wouldn’t be abuse, right?” she asked. “I only ask because, you know, some people would say spanking a woman for behaving inappropriately is terribly old-fashioned.”
    “It is that,” he agreed. “Let’s continue this conversation in the living room.” He started walking without waiting for her to respond, so she followed.
    Roman’s living room had huge floor-to-ceiling curtains covering one wall. Jessica looked at them wistfully, wishing he’d open them. It was so nice outside, and so gloomy inside. She walked over to the window and pushed the curtain to the side a bit, peering out.
    “It’s a beautiful day,” she said, and left the curtain slightly open before sitting on the plush white rug.
    “Why are you sitting on the floor?” he asked as he sat on the sleek black leather couch.
    “It’s soft.”
    “It’s a very submissive thing to do,” he said. The way he said it made it sound like a high compliment, and she smiled. “I’m going to be very up front with you, Jessica. Lauren was right, I do want to take over your training.”
    “I thought you were trying to stop doing that?”
    He smirked. “Yeah, I did say that, didn’t I? I think what I meant was I’m sick of the merry-go-round of girls. I’d like you to consider living here, with me, for a while, as my submissive.”
    Living with him? She looked around at the luxury he surrounded himself with. His living room alone was five times the size of her entire apartment. But how could she be his submissive if she didn’t know the first thing about it?
    “I’d like that,” she said. “I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’ve been thinking a lot about you, and wanting to get to know you better. It seems kind of extreme, though, moving into your home when we don’t even know each other.”

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