The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves

The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves by Brian D. Anderson

Book: The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves by Brian D. Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian D. Anderson
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    “ We should leave right away, Gewey,” said
Linis. “Tonight, if you are able.” He turned to Selena.
“You said there are ways out of here that wouldn’t be
    “ Yes.” She wiped her eyes. “I can get
you and the others out of the temple unseen.”
    “ Good. I'll inform Theopolou.” Linus nodded
curtly and left.
    Lee stood from his chair and looked at Dina. “Prepare
to leave,” he commanded. “I want to be gone ahead of
Gewey. Perhaps we may draw off any pursuit.”
    “ Of course.” Dina rushed off to pack.
    For the rest of the morning the temple was a beehive of
activity. Lee and Dina were ready to leave by midday. Selena provided
them with gear and enough provisions to last more than a week, along
with three strong horses. Lee had decided to leave Lord Ganflin's
steeds behind and made his mother promise to ride one to safety if
the need came.
    Gewey and Kaylia had been informed by Theopolou that
they would be traveling on foot, which pleased Gewey. He had not been
looking forward to saddle sores and preferred to travel light. Linis
spent the morning going over the plans with Theopolou and his guards.
Theopolou was troubled when he heard the roads were being watched,
but agreed that there was little to do but move forward with their
plan. The healers made the loudest protests. They insisted that
neither Gewey nor Kaylia was ready to be out of bed, let alone
travel. However, both had shown no ill effects from their ordeal. It
took the insistence of Selena to quiet them.
    Before one o'clock Lee and Dina made their way to the
front gate. The entire temple had gathered in the courtyard to see
them off. Selena, Gewey, Kaylia, and Linis stood by the large oak
doors, each trying to hide the concern in their heart.
    “ Be careful, son,” said Selena as she
embraced him. “And you...” she said to Dina with a smile.
“Keep yourself safe at all times. I won't have my most valued
historian getting herself killed.” She embraced Dina tightly.
    Linis handed both Lee and Dina a small flask. “Keep
this with you. Should you find yourself lacking food and drink, it
will keep you strong for several days. Only a mouthful will do.”
    They received their gift gratefully and bowed in turn.
    “ Thank you, my friend,” said Lee.
    Linis took Dina's hand. “I look forward to our
next meeting.”
    Dina blushed and smiled. “As do I.”
    Kaylia embraced Lee then turned to Dina. Dina laughed as
Kaylia whispered into her ear.
    Gewey hugged Dina then turned to Lee. “Be safe,
and bring your son home.”
    Lee placed his hands on Gewey's shoulders and studied
him for a moment. “You have grown up so much in such a short
time. Still, listen to what Linis says, and be careful whom you
trust. I don't like the idea of delivering you into the hands of the
elves, but I think you’re right. It is the only way.”
    “ I'll be careful,” said Gewey.
    Lee smiled, then he and Dina mounted their horses. As
they rode through the doors, they heard the farewells of the temple
call after them. Lee's mind focused on their journey as he heard the
boom of the doors close behind them. They hadn’t ridden a
hundred yards when the hairs on the back of Lee's neck stood up. They
were being watched. He knew it but from where he couldn't tell. The
rocky terrain made it impossible for him to spot anyone, and if
whoever it was could evade the elf seekers, he had little chance of
catching him.
    Lee turned to Dina who was looking around nervously. “I
feel it too,” she whispered.
    “ Be ready,” warned Lee.
    Dina's hand slid to the knife in her belt. By the time
they reached the end of the path, her nerves were frazzled. Lee,
however, seemed calm and alert.
    “ We should head in the direction of Althetas,”
said Lee. “If we are still followed by nightfall, we'll
continue on to the city and try to throw them off. If not, we'll
start west. There's a road about a day’s ride that will take us
to Idelia. From there we can

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