Wilderness Passion

Wilderness Passion by Lindsay McKenna

Book: Wilderness Passion by Lindsay McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay McKenna
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
him; needing his warmth above anything else.
    “Just lie here and try to relax,” he breathed against her ear. “You’re damn near hypothermic.”
    Libby closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder, grateful for his continuing warmth. “What’s—hypo—?” she stuttered.
    “It’s when your body temperature drops to a dangerous level. If we don’t stabilize your body, you can go into shock.” He ran his callused hand across her naked back in small circles, rubbing her skin briskly. “Usually people who fall into mountain lakes get it,” he explained, his voice a roughened whisper. “But it’s been ninety degrees out there today, and the temperature has dropped to close to freezing in less than an hour. That kind of drastic change can bring on hypothermia, too.”
    “Mmm,” she mumbled, finally feeling some semblance of heat returning to her shoulders, hips and back, where he continued to briskly rub her skin. She began to relax in his arms, feeling a subtle euphoria. Libby laid her head on his arm as he worked to bring blood back into her chilled legs and feet. By the time he’d finished, the storm had abated in its initial fury. Still, the wind continued to howl across the ridge, making strange, eerie noises she had never heard before.
    Libby was aware of the textured material of his jeans against her lower body, and the softer flannel of his shirt against her breasts. She inhaled the smell of his maleness and a soft smile curved her lips as she buried herself more deeply into his welcoming embrace.
    Finally Dan settled down beside her, keeping both his arms around her. “There,” he whispered, “you should be warmer now.”
    “I am,” she returned softly. “Thank you.”
    Dan reached out, stroking her damp, unbound hair, delighting in the silken texture of it. Libby responded to his hand on her head, nuzzling upward. She felt his breathing change, become more shallow. Opening her eyes, she could barely see the outline of his craggy features. Her heart opened spontaneously as he met her gaze. How could she ever have thought Dan was cold and unfeeling? Being in his arms, having been protected and cared for by him, she knew he was a gentle man. The toughness was only skin deep. Hesitantly she reached out, her long, slender fingers tracing the rugged planes of his face. She heard him groan, felt his arms tighten about her.
    “Libby,” he growled thickly, “don’t, if you—”
    She placed her fingers across his strong mouth, a newly ignited fire flaming brightly within her aching body. “Love me, Dan,” she whispered throatily, meeting his burning blue gaze.
    He hesitated. “I don’t want to hurt you, Libby,” he murmured, taking her fingers, kissing each of them gently. His eyes became readable, and Libby saw pain in their depths. Without realizing it, she responded to his vulnerability, pressing her body against him, tilting her head up to meet his descending mouth.
    The world came to a halt around them as his mouth grazed her waiting lips. A shiver of pleasure coursed through her as his mouth pressed more insistently, parting her lips, demanding entrance. His tongue moved with delicate slowness, exploring her moistness, drawing her into a blazing inferno of barely contained desire. Her breath was hot and shallow as his hand roved the length of her neck and shoulder, slowly circling her tautened breasts, teasing her. He dragged his mouth from her lips, leaning down, capturing a hardened nipple between his teeth.
    She arched, moaning as Dan slid his hand between her thighs. Mindlessly she reached out to touch him as he was touching her, wanting to give him as much pleasure as she was receiving. Their kisses became torrid as she unbuttoned his shirt, running her fingers across the magnificent expanse of his torso and chest Dan groaned as she released his jeans, boldly slipping her hand beneath the material. He tensed beside her, growling her name, wrapping the long strands of her hair in

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