End Game (The Game Series)

End Game (The Game Series) by A.J. Carella Page B

Book: End Game (The Game Series) by A.J. Carella Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Carella
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she cared about him, pure and simple. Not in any romantic way, but because they’d worked together and because she’d seen what he’d been through, the rotten cards life had handed him.
    Beyond that, h e’d been the best partner she’d ever had. She’d always known he had her back, be it on the street, or up against the brass. She’d trusted him completely and she still did. It had hurt when, after Lori had died, he’d shut her out, but she understood his reasons. Even though what they had done couldn’t be described as an affair, it was still wrong and they’d both regretted it.
    Her heart heavy, she replayed the event in her mind, the single time it had happened. It had been during the very early days of his relationship with Lori, not long after the two of them had met. They’d been dealing with a particularly horrible, case involving a mother and child which had affected them both deeply.
    That night they’d finally got ten the evidence to arrest the husband for their murders and, needing to release some of their pain, they’d gone to his flat for drinks. They both knew that the gruesome details of the murders were too much. It was not something you could share with others, not something you wanted to take home to your family.
    They’d talked long into the night, sharing their grief, one drink following another. Throwing caution to the wind, they’d ended up finding comfort in each other’s arms that night. It had been purely physical, a release, and they’d both regretted it ever since.
    When the opportunity to get back in touch over Luccio had presented itself , she’d jumped at the chance. What she hadn’t expected, though, was to get drawn in to covering up a dead body for him. But she had done it without question, and she would do it again if necessary.
    He deserved to be happy now after everything he’d been through and, after meeting Tara, she’d known that she could be the woman for him. She’d been as surprised as he was when they’d come home that night to find the note. Kyle had explained then, sharing the whole story
    Kyle had told her all about Tara’s past, about Sergei and about her daughter. Her heart ached for Tara, and she’d known, without a doubt, that she would have done exactly the same thing. She wasn’t a mother, but she was an aunt and she would do anything for her niece. Tina was twenty one now and due to get married next summer, and the thought of her going through something like Tara had made her physically ill.
    She completely understood Kyle’s need to find Tara, to keep her safe. What worried her now, though, was what he was going to do next. She’d taken a couple of days leave after the shooting, citing personal reasons, but now she had to get back to work and today was the first time she was leaving him alone for any length of time. As she pulled her car into the lot behind the police department, she hoped to God he wouldn’t do anything stupid.

Chapter Three
    The amber liquid caught the light as Sergei swirled it around the glass. He sat in his office above the casino, his feet on his desk, feeling quite pleased with himself. Tara had played right into his hands, his plan faultless. He grinned in anticipation, picturing the look on her face as he told her she would never see Anna, never get to know her daughter. Just the thought of Tara’s agony made him smile.
    Minutes earlier, he had sat in the parking lot of Tara’s apartment, looking forward to implementing his plan, eagerly awaiting his opportunity to inflict on her the pain that she had earned. Gazing at the light in her window, he knew she was there, waiting. Knowing she was there made it even more real, and he looked forward to it.
    He stepped out of the car, his eyes fixed on the light in her window. He had planned on going to see Tara on his return to London from seeing Anna, eager to implement his retribution, but so far he had resisted the urge. He pulled his cell phone out, wanting to make

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