End Game (The Game Series)

End Game (The Game Series) by A.J. Carella Page A

Book: End Game (The Game Series) by A.J. Carella Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Carella
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imagination was driving her wild. Where was Sergei? What was he waiting for? She’d asked Joey, over and over. She’d shouted the question through the door hoping for an answer, but he never replied. His silence was driving her mad. She knew he was out there, she could hear him moving around and the television’s low murmur in the living room.
    She had finally given up, left with nothing but her hope. So, to pass the time, she slept. And dreamt. Dreamt that she was still back in L.A. with Kyle, but in her dreams her daughter was with them.

Chapter Two
    “I’m fine!” Kyle said, as Sandy asked again how he was feeling. His face flushed as he spoke. He was getting fed up. Sandy had insisted on staying with him at the apartment when they’d discovered that Tara had left. She’d said it was to make sure he took care of his wound but he didn’t believe that. He knew it was because she was worried about what he would do.
    He had just been biding his time until he was able to make a move. At least the wound was healing nicely. It was still incredibly painful and limited his arm movements, but it was not infected which had been their big worry.
    “I wish we could have taken you to a doctor,” she said, handing him a glass of water and a pill.
    He th rew back the pill and the water with one swallow, still glaring at her. “At least I had some meds.”
    Luckily , Sandy had had some antibiotics left over from an old prescription at home and she’d brought them from her own place and given them to him at the appointed times, making sure he took them. The problem was, she hadn’t left. She was fussing around him like a mother hen and it was driving him nuts. He needed some time to himself. He needed to decide what he was going to do.
    That he was going to do something was not in doubt. He couldn’t just let Tara walk away. If, once she was safe, she wanted to walk away from him he would have to accept it, but he loved her too much to just let her walk straight back into that monster’s arms on her own.
    “Let me look at that shoulder , will you?” She was hovering again.
    “I told you, I’m fine!”
    “I’d really like to check it before I go, Kyle. Things like that can change quickly.”
    “Please, just leave it alone,” he said, rubbing his eyes.
    She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Okay,” she said over her shoulder, heading for the door. “Well I’m going to have to get going. I need to get to work.” She grabbed her coat off the rack, shrugging it over her shoulders. “If you hear anything you’ll let me know?”
    “You know I will ,” he shouted, as she closed the door behind her.
    They were both on their last nerve at the moment. If anyone found out what they had done, Sandy would not only lose her job but they would both do jail time. So far, though, Deshaun’s death was being treated as a robbery gone south and there was no indication that this was going change. As far as Kyle was concerned it was over.
    T he door closed and Kyle let out a deep sigh, realizing he’d been holding his breath. Peace at last. He knew that she was only looking out for him but her constant efforts to keep him upbeat were starting to grate. He didn’t want to “think positive” or try to be “rational”. The only thing he wanted to do was to get on the next plane to the UK, hunt down that bastard Sergei, and finish it once and for all.
    As Sandy turned the key in the ignition, she rested her head on the steering wheel. She was worried. Since they’d returned that night a few days ago and found the note from Tara, Kyle had been like a tightly coiled spring, ready to pop at any minute. She’d been around for the fall-out too many times now with Kyle not to know what was coming next. Why do I do it? she asked herself as she headed into work.
    As her thoughts played on the tragedies he’d suffered since she’d known him, she realized that they had developed a bond that had continued b ecause

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