Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2)

Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2) by Kat Green

Book: Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2) by Kat Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Green
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him and he certainly wasn’t complaining.
                  ‘See, nothing to be worried about. That was perfect,’ he whispered. Surprisingly, Megan didn’t feel so scared any more. Toby’s kisses and his hands exploring her seemed completely right. They didn’t let go of each other as he moved her towards the bed, staggering without breaking the embrace. They didn’t make it that far, collapsing to the floor, and Toby held his weight so he didn’t crush her. Her fears melted away and she was lost in the moment. He made her feel safe, and her confidence lifted hearing his moans in her ear, responding to her touch.
                  The words screamed in her head. ‘This is it, Megan. You are about to lose your virgin status. Don’t bottle it.’ Although it was way too late to stop now – not that she wanted to.
                  He stopped to look her in the eyes. ‘Are you sure?’
                  Megan reached up to touch his face and nodded. ‘Yes, don’t give me time to think about it,’ she said, breathless.
                  His eyes lit up, and she felt him move her legs around him, lifting her slightly. His head rested on her shoulder kissing it. She closed her eyes and flinched as she felt him push against her. Once the first uncomfortable pinch had passed she relaxed, as he entwined his fingers in her hair holding her head, and they became one. Every emotion that they both felt, good and bad, laced each other: the love they felt for each other and the pain they’d both suffered and the loss of something so precious that had broken both their hearts. A heartache they had been through together had made them stronger as a couple. Toby had been right: she did know what to do, and her instincts had kicked in. It was like a battle of emotion and desire. Her body had ignited and shy, timid Megan was erased. Equally, Toby had never felt such want or need for someone. Nearly losing her made it so much more intense. She was here, alive in his arms and naked. He wondered why she had been so worried. She was the best he’d ever had. And he wasn’t ever letting her go.

Was I OK?
    ‘How could she do this to me?’ Zac sat numb with rage. There were no tears but his expression showed such shock. His eyes were dull and empty, and his hands shook as he tried to light his cigarette. He couldn’t look at Luke. He felt humiliated. Here he was in his idol’s home, mortified and heartbroken. His contract and brief success hadn’t been for the right reasons and he felt like the biggest loser ever. Luke felt for his friend, and had nothing to say. What did you say to someone in this situation?
                  ‘I bet you think I’m a right dick?’ Zac said without looking at Luke, afraid to see his expression. 
                  ‘Why would I think that?’
                  ‘How did I not see it? Jesus, it all makes sense now. She used to freak out when I’d leave, and almost go to pieces. I’m so confused. She wasn’t having an affair because she loved him, but she still cheated on me. What do I do with this?’ Zac was torn between being the cheated on partner and the one that was angry because his girlfriend had been used and abused. ‘Why didn’t she tell me?’ Zac spoke out loud as he tried to process all his thoughts, everything Lyla had confessed to, the reasons why she had done it. And the betrayal of his bandmate for broadcasting his private matters all over the internet.
                  ‘I know it isn’t quite the same but I do know what you’re going through,’ Luke said. He did understand to a certain extent. He could have been in the same situation, but thankfully he wasn’t. ‘That piece of shit still destroyed everything.’
                  Zac leaned over Luke’s balcony, the smoke from his cigarette swirling around his head. He ran his

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