virtuous are depicted as short and squat, the evil as tall and thin.
It is, however, most interesting to examine how differently these varying faiths and cults depicted their versions of Hell. The Church of Koplar WangeeMaMa represented the underworld as a place where the genders were separated and sexual interaction never occurs. The Holy Burners (from ice world - New Nirvana) depicted Hell as frozen and cold…while their Heaven burned in an eternal, luxuriously warm, fire. But perhaps the most curious Hell was that proposed by the Church of Envisionist Pragmatism who believed all virtue and goodness appeared solely in the present. Thus history itself was seen as the domain of the devil.
User Comment > Hugzenkissus
We all have personal heavens i think. My personal heaven would be bottled starlight and a sky full of love beams. My warm cuddly genokitty on my lap and my favourite volume of headpad stories.
User Comment > PondBlob
Oh good grief. I bet your bedcube has pictures of fluffy animals all over it. I bet your favourite headpad story is Fifty Grey Shades of LuvvyLove. I bet you wear glitter face gloss and dress in pink all the time :-/
User Comment > CheerLeader879
Why don't you leave Hugz alone? Oh I know why, you haven't got any friends so you spend your time stalking Omni for easy targets. Did mumma not breastfeed you as a baby? Is that what this…a cry for help?
User Comment > (((Bartlaub5))))
No, it's a cry from someone trying not to vom all over his holo-suite. Seriously, Hugz is the kind of Schmaltzkitten that should be kept away from the digistream. 'Specially after one glass of cherrybabee.
User Comment > Matttttttttt
Why is there so much hostility here? On my planet, if people behaved this way to each other they'd be issued a medication order. Some of you people come across as pathological haters.
User Comment > ndjrkckekrkfk
Which [offensive word deleted] planet is that? HippyDippy-Love-World?
'Okay, I'm not gonna lie, Ellie, girl…I'm a bit nervous of what the fregg we're going to find inside,' said Jez.
accepted his invitation.' Ellie looked up at the large entrance to World Two. 'And I suppose it would be rude for us not to at least say hi.'
Gray's invitation to come and take a look at his biome the other night had been somewhat casual and offhand; not exactly backed up subsequently with a formal invitation. Since then neither Jez nor Ellie had seen Gray again. He'd casually got up after they'd finished several rounds of an odd-flavoured liqueur Frasier had served and excused himself with a theatrical bow. He'd said he was heading back to his place to 'party with his play-things'. They'd watched him saunter away into the darkness with the flip-flap of his sandals receding as he made his way down the hill.
It had taken every last ounce of willpower Jez had and a determination not to look too grabby, for her not to jump up and chase after him. She realised she had a bad case of the hots for him. Not the usual wham-bam and see ya 'round type, Gray was interesting in a way most knuckle-dragging grunters from New Haven weren't; able to produce whole sentences with nouns, verbs and everything. Enigmatic even..
And fregg he's so hawt
Maybe it was because he was a brainiac (presumably so, after all, he was a genetics programmer) and seemed happy to hide that intelligence away behind throw away, flippant remarks and a floppy fringe of blonde hair. In contrast to that gimp, Shelby who seemed determined to make them aware, constantly, that his IQ dwarfed theirs and that he was benevolently tolerating their company and prepared to offer up seeds of wisdom as a charitable act.
Or maybe it was simply that Gray
panting after her. That's what Jez was used to after all; males tripping over each other to buy her Spartans, eager to blurt out their well rehearsed off-the-cuff opening snag-lines. In contrast, Gray seemed friendly, welcoming even…and just a little
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