Edge of Flight
or descend using opposed limb or body pressure against two facing walls
    Climbing harness —a sewn nylon-webbing device worn around the waist and thighs that is designed to allow a person to safely hang suspended in the air when attached to a rope
    Clipping in —the process of attaching the rope to an anchor by means of one or more carabiners
    Crux —the most difficult portion of a climb
    Foothold —a rock formation that a climber can stand on with one or both feet
    Free-climbing —climbing without a rope
    Gear-head —a person who loves acquiring the latest and greatest in climbing gear
    GRIGRI —a belay device that is self-locking under load; invented and manufactured by Petzl
    Handhold —a rock formation that can be gripped by a climber’s hand
    Hex (hexcentric) —six-sided nut of varying size that is placed or wedged in cracks for passive protection for a lead climber; the nut has holes that are threaded with cord or cable wire to allow a carabiner to be clipped into it
    Jug —a large, easily held handhold
    Layback —a climbing move that involves pulling on the hands while pushing on the feet
    Lead —to be the lead climber on a route
    Lead climber —the first climber to ascend the route and secure the rope to the cliff
    Microhold —a tiny handhold
    Nut —a metal wedge attached to a wire loop that is inserted into cracks for protection
    Off-route —an object (often a tree or a manmade object) that the climber is not supposed to use as a hold if the route is to be accomplished to technical perfection
    On-route —an object (often a tree) that is acceptable as a handhold on a route
    Pistol-hold grip —a handhold in the shape of a pistol
    Rappel —to descend a cliff or wall by rope, using friction to control speed
    Rope in —to tie the rope to one’s harness, in preparation for climbing
    Pro —protective gear such as cams, nuts and hexes
    Top rope —to climb a route using an anchor point that is set at the top of the climb
    Top-out —to complete a route by ascending over the top of the structure being climbed
    Wedge —another word for a nut

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