Dancing with Deception

Dancing with Deception by Avery Gale

Book: Dancing with Deception by Avery Gale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avery Gale
Tags: Fiction, Romance
her. It was beautiful to watch the muscles tightening beneath her pale skin.
    As the shudders slowly began to subside, Brandt lifted her from Ryan’s lap and quickly positioned her face down on the bed. The pillows his cousin had placed there earlier lifted her hips in the air at the perfect angle. Granted, he’d wanted to see her lovely ass displayed over the edge of the bed, but after the release she’d just experienced he doubted she’d have been able to stand. Looking down on her as she took deep breaths trying to bring herself back down from the high, he grinned over at Ryan. Might as well save yourself the trouble sweetheart, because we’re going to send you right back up and over the mountain.

    Joelle felt her body shiver against the cotton bed covering, but not because she was cold. She’d been completely wrecked by Ryan’s punishment because it had been anything but. What was it about these two men that made her mind and body forget they were connected? Brandt had carried her to the bed and as weak as it made her feel, she knew her legs wouldn’t have held her after the orgasm she’d just experienced. There were no words to describe how eye opening the entire experience had been.
    She wasn’t fool enough to miss the fact her hesitation had been an excuse for Ryan to give her what he already knew she needed. But even she’d been shocked at her reaction to his punishment. She’d never completely lost herself during a scene until last night with Brandt and now she’d experienced the same intensity with Ryan. If she hadn’t already been exposed to polyamorous relationships in club settings, Joelle might be freaked out about the fact she was equally attracted to two Doms. But the fact she’d seen ménage relationships work, at least in the short term, helped take the edge off her anxiety.
    “Arch your back for me, minx.” The rough sound of Brandt’s voice brought her back to the moment, even if his words sent a small spike of fear through her. She’d never been a fan of anal play. Her one and only experience had not only been unpleasant, it had been downright painful. She’d been in college and had been overjoyed when her boyfriend asked her if she’d be interested in visiting one of the local kind clubs. A trickle of cool lubricant slid over her rear hole and Joelle felt a calloused finger massaging the sesame-scented oil into the tight right ring of muscles her boyfriend had torn so long ago. God, Joelle could still remember the humiliation she’d felt lying on the table in the club’s first aid station while four virtual strangers examined her most intimate parts. It hadn’t mattered three of them were medical professionals who happened to be in the club that night and the fourth was the club’s owner. The humiliation Joelle experienced during the scene she’d been totally unprepared for had been totally eclipsed by the abasement she felt during their intimate examination later in the owner’s office.
    Joelle had been so lost in her memories she hadn’t realized Brandt’s fingers were no longer circling her anus in slow, soothing circles. “Where did you go, Joelle? I know this area of the body is a storehouse for memories, both good and bad. And I’m fairly certain you weren’t remembering anything pleasant.”
    “I…well, I was just remembering the first time I tried ana….ummm…this. And, well, it didn’t really go that well.” She felt the bed shift as the cheeks of her ass were pulled further apart. Oh, fucking hell, here we go again. Why didn’t I just keep my damned mouth shut?
    “Were you injured, baby? Because there is evidence of tissue tearing, but I don’t think the tears were treated because of the way they’ve healed.” Well, yippee-fucking-Skippy. Let’s take pictures and use Joelle’s ignorance as a warning to other unwitting subs. Before she could close her legs and move, a large hand wrapped around the top of her thigh stilling any move she would have

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