Dancing with Deception

Dancing with Deception by Avery Gale Page A

Book: Dancing with Deception by Avery Gale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avery Gale
Tags: Fiction, Romance
made. “Talk to us, baby. We don’t want to hurt you—either physically or emotionally, and I think it’s pretty evident someone else wasn’t as cautious.”
    God, she wanted to bury her face in the bedding and pray for the earth to swallow her whole. She’d avoided all but the mildest forms of anal play since that night, but she’d often wondered what it would be like with someone who knew what they were doing. Having her boyfriend break up with her the next day in a text message had almost been a relief. He blamed her for his membership being revoked, but she could have told him that decision was made by the club’s owner because he’d ducked out leaving her alone at the club.
    Being abandoned…on top of everything else she’d endured that night had been the straw that broke the camel’s back. She’d broken down in the club owner’s massive office and he’d been positively livid that the man who’d hurt her had also left her to fend for herself. Up to that point, he’d been understanding and concerned, but he’d also remained all business. But evidently he was one of those men who didn’t handle women’s tears well because she’d almost felt the shift in him as he’d held her while she cried. From what she learned later, Master B had unleashed his rage on her ex the next morning, and even though she’d never gone back to his club, she’d always considered him her knight in shining armor.
    She finally took a deep breath hoping it would help keep the anxiety she felt from showing in her voice. “My first experience wasn’t good. I haven’t done much anal play since. But…well, I’ve been curious. Curious about what everyone else is talking about.” Because all of those people in the chat rooms she’d lurked in couldn’t be wrong, could they?
    Joelle wasn’t able see their faces, but she knew without even turning around they were sharing a look. It amazed her how efficient their non-verbal communication seemed to be and wondered briefly if it was because they’d both been in the military. Maybe it was the fact they were cousins…or Doms. Hell, for all she knew it was all three.
    Warm hands began caressing the lower curves of her ass and Joelle felt her muscles begin to relax. “What’s your safe word, minx?” Joelle recited the details of the standard safe word system used in most clubs. After the disaster at Master X’s club, she’d never wanted to use anything but a club safe word. Her boyfriend had managed to ignore the safe word long enough to do some serious damage because he’d thought she was being pathetically weak just to gain sympathy from the small audience gathered around them. Because the dungeon monitors hadn’t known arrête meant stop they simply watched until one of the club’s unattached submissives finally spoke up.
    Joelle didn’t make any effort to rein in her thoughts as Brandt worked the lube around her clenched hole with such a light touch she felt the muscles begin to slowly relax. “Good girl. I know that was hard for you, baby, but damn watching Brandt’s finger pushing against your pink rosebud is hotter than hell. Let him stretch you slowly and we’ll use a small plug tonight. The last thing we’d ever want to do is hurt you.” Ryan words wafted over her bare back like a soft summer breeze leaving a trail of goose flesh where it teased her sensitive skin.
    Joelle felt her breathing shift to short, shallow panting and she could hear the pounding of her heart. God, it’s so loud, surely they can hear it. It seemed like hours but had to have been no more than a couple of minutes, one finger had turned to two, and then she felt the tip of something entirely different breaching her. Joelle realized she was actually pressing back into the pressure as Brandt slowly slid the tip of the plug in and out, going fractionally deeper with every stroke.
    “When Brandt pushes the plug the last quarter of an inch, I want you to come for us, baby. And while you’re

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