Dancing with Deception

Dancing with Deception by Avery Gale Page B

Book: Dancing with Deception by Avery Gale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avery Gale
Tags: Fiction, Romance
flying over the moon, he’s going to take his own pleasure.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, Joelle wondered if she would be able to come again, but the thought was so fleeting she barely caught it as it flew past her consciousness. The last stoke seated the plug and Ryan’s command to “Come, now” was unneeded. The instant Brandt slid his cock into her, Joelle was lost.
    Every muscle in her body locked down and she felt as if she’d been launched into a colorful oblivion filled with the sound of rushing air. The brilliant bursts and streaks of color behind her eyelids were blindingly beautiful, and there was a part of her brain floating happily in appreciation for how deep the men took her into her own pleasure before sending her to heaven. The French certainly had it right when they referred to orgasm as la petit mort , or the “little death.” Holy hat racks and hurricanes, she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to hold on because darkness was encroaching from all sides at an alarming pace.
    “Take a breath, Joelle.” The sharp command came from Ryan. Hell, when had she turned her over? His face filled her field of vision and she wanted to do as he’d said, but nothing in her body was working right…and hell, her brain felt like it had been scrambled. “God damn it, take a breath before I have to start CPR.” CPR? Damn, I’ve heard that shit hurts. Honest to God, she wanted to draw in a breath, but she couldn’t make her lungs cooperate. Finally a scorching pain lashed through her breasts. She gasped a breath and realized Ryan had pinched her nipples hard enough to break through the brain fog she’d been lost in.
    Sucking in huge gulps of oxygen, Joelle tried to stay focused on Ryan’s violet eyes. I wonder if he knows how beautiful he is. And where is Brandt? Why isn’t he here? Did I disappoint them too? Damn, I should have known better. Master B said I’d be fine with a Dom who knew what he was doing, but maybe he was wrong.
    Brandt’s face swam in front of her, his smile looked strained and she felt tears fill her eyes. “Don’t cry, minx. I’m right here. It just took me a few seconds to make my way back to Earth.” He pulled her limp body into a crushing hug, rocking her back and forth before easing her away far enough he could look into her eyes. “Later we’re going to want to know who Master B is—I want to thank him for taking such good care of you. But for now, I just need to hold you.”
    Joelle didn’t fight him. Hell, she didn’t have the energy to move and that was going to make fighting pretty difficult. She’d heard subs talk about experiences like this, but she’d always assumed they were exaggerating. Laughing to herself, she couldn’t hold back her mental head shake…God she’d been missing out on this? Fool!

    Ryan leaned against the headboard of the bed holding Joelle in his arms, watching her drift in and out of sleep. Brandt had finally staggered to the bathroom and returned with a warm cloth to clean their little treasure. He’d patted her dry and then returned to the bathroom to clean himself up. Ryan’s cock throbbed under Joelle despite the fact he’d come in his own hand just watching what had taken place between Brandt and the angel sleeping so peacefully in his arms. When she opened sleepy eyes and gave him a lop-sided grin Ryan couldn’t hold back his chuckle. “Well, hello there, sweetness. That was some ride you gave Master Brandt.” Her cheeks turned scarlet in just a few heartbeats and in those few seconds Ryan had fallen helplessly in love with her.
    “There is no way for me to describe how incredible it was. I’d heard other subs talk about it, but I’d never experienced anything even close to that…but…” Ryan knew exactly where this conversation was headed. There was no way she’d missed his cock pressing into the side of her hip. What she didn’t know was he’d already taken the edge off—hell, and he still felt like his

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