Earth Legend
they watched us. From behind paperwork, around screens, while
swabbing spilled coffee from the air. Which meant Cullen Vail never
escorted prisoners. Lesser officers handled such menial tasks.
Until now.
    Ignoring the silence and the electricity in
the room, he shoved me towards the entrance. His aim was excellent,
I would have sailed right through it if not for the tether
connecting us. It was long enough that I wouldn't strangle myself
and was made of a plastic-like substance that probably reacted in
some way to the small device he held in one hand. I decided not to
find out what it was or what would happen if I made a break for
    He drew up to me and side by side we floated
to the nearest elevator where I was shoved inside and tied like an
animal to a pole. Again. The doors closed and we started down. I
was glad we were alone so there was no one to stare at me.
    As gravity took hold, I slid down the pole
until my feet were on the elevator floor and I found myself beside
a window through which I could see the ground rushing up and the
city that was the central hub of the Destiny. I recognized the
greenhouses we'd visited earlier and the animal buildings. But from
this height, I saw other buildings too. The courthouse. Beside it,
connected by a tunnel, I saw the jail.
    "Not large but it does the job."
    "My new home."
    "You should have thought of that when you
stowed away."
    "It had to be done. I told you why."
    "You told a wildly imaginative tale that's
not even close to credible. A child could have done better."
    "It's the truth. You'll see. When the crops
fail, when the plants die, when there isn't enough food."
    His lips pressed together. "I don't think
so." He looked away but before he was completely turned I saw pain.
Or uncertainty, I wasn't sure which.
    When the elevator reached the ground, we
exited and I was taken to jail. Paraded was more like it, for the
area was crowded and everyone wanted to know what had happened and
who I was and what I'd done. But Cullen ignored all questions and
pushed me through the crowd and into the relative quiet of the
courthouse rotunda. Then we went through one of the many doors, all
guarded by officers in uniforms similar to Cullen's, and we were in
the jail.
    It was small but sufficient. Two of the half
dozen cells were occupied and a bored deputy was at a desk. He
looked up when we entered. "So this is the new prisoner. I was told
she was coming. I've been waiting." Cullen disconnected my tether,
the deputy led me to one of the cells and shoved me inside. The
door slid shut.
    Cullen inspected the two other prisoners.
"Jake again?"
    "Drunk and disorderly. He'll be out in time
for dinner."
    "Who's the new guy?"
    "Name's Byron. Got in a fight and broke
someone's nose. He claimed self-defense but that'll be up to the
court to decide."
    "He's going to trial for a broken nose?"
    "He insisted. Says it's his right. Wants a
judge, jury, the works." The deputy looked over my information.
"What about the woman? Will she go to trial?"
    "That'll be up to the Captain. It's his
jurisdiction. She's a stowaway so what happens is his call but I'm
guessing he won't bother with a trial."
    The deputy came close and gave me a
once-over. "She's pretty, if there's a trial an all-male jury would
set her free." He glanced at the instructions Cullen had put into
the system. "This doesn't mention visitors. What do I do? We've
never had a felon before."
    "Of course she can have visitors. She has
rights." He started away and then turned back, talking to the
deputy, studiously avoiding me. "But if someone wants to see her,
call me." He was thinking of my comment that there were others like
me. If there were any of them on the Destiny, would they contact
    "Should I make them wait until you get
    He thought, then shook his head. "Don't do
that. But do make sure the security cameras are rolling. And call
me." Then he was gone and the deputy, after asking if I'd had
lunch, disappeared to find me a

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