Drowning in the East River

Drowning in the East River by Kimberly Pierce

Book: Drowning in the East River by Kimberly Pierce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Pierce
thought of school. "The first play I finish, I'm leaving as quickly as I can."
    "I can't stay here," David said, looking out the window at the city. The morning crowds were beginning to fill the streets, most on the way to work, moving on with their lives. He exhaled sharply, "There's nothing left for me here.”
    "The city," David replied. He dabbed his cigarette out in the ash tray. He leaned back in the booth, looking up at the ceiling of the restaurant. "I need to find somewhere else.”
    "Didn't you say you had a kid”
    David shifted his glance, looking out the window as he pulled another cigarette out of the shabby gold-plated case. "Thomas." David lit another cigarette, and took a deep drag. He felt a pang deep inside his stomach.
    Outside the window, people moved quickly through the streets as there was a crack of thunder. Thick gray clouds had moved in over the city, muting the early morning sunlight. He looked back at Alexander, continuing. "I don't know what to do." He forced a chuckle out of his throat to cover the sobs he could feel building in his chest.
    "How old?”
    "He just turned two." David looked at his hands, picking at his nails. His fingernails were torn down to sore, bleeding stumps. He continued, his voice sounding wistful as he allowed himself to drift back to the pleasant memories of only a week ago. "Jessica was so amazing at the parenting thing. I just don't think I can do it. Every time I try and do something with him, I can't do anything right. He's better off with people who can care for him.”
    David adjusted the cap on his head and glanced toward the bedroom. "Are you two ready?" He called out. He could hear Jessica mulling around behind the door. Thomas was babbling something. Even from the living room, he could hear the excitement bubbling in his son's voice. He flipped open his pocket watch, taking at quick look at the time.
    "Ready," Jessica said, opening the door. She stepped out into the living room. She wore a light blue maternity dress, but at eight months pregnant, she was expanding beyond the support of the dress. She held Thomas by the hand, as he took large steps to keep up with her. Jessica glanced down at the child, who was still chattering cheerfully. Jessica seemed to be understanding everything he said, which sounded to his own ears like gibberish. She cracked a bright smile as she caught David's eye. "Sorry, we were a bit distracted. Apparently, he's going to teach his baby everything about baseball.”
    David tucked his watch into his pocket and looked over at her. He could see the exhaustion in her face, but as usual, she wasn't letting it phase her. As they walked further into the living room, Jessica's focus was completely on Thomas as she knelt to adjust the cap on his head.
    Thomas stopped and extended his arms. He stared up at his mother wide eyed, "Up Mommy!"
    Jessica glanced at David out of the corner of her eye. She put her hands behind her back, stretching out her aching muscles.
    "Momma's too tired, Tommy." David said, moving over towards where they were standing in the living room. He bent down, crouching to his son's level. Bracing his arms on the boy's elbows, he met his son's eyes. "We don't want to hurt her, do we?”
    Thomas shook his head 'no.' Turning his head towards his mother, a concerned look spread across his face. "Why are you tired?”
    David scooped Thomas up in his arms, holding him tightly to his chest.
    "You're gonna have a little brother or sister," Jessica said. She moved towards where David was standing.
    David set Thomas down on the floor, and the baby padded over to Jessica.
    Jessica gingerly crouched down, bringing herself to Thomas' level. She smiled gently, running her fingers gently through his hair. "Right here." Her voice was gentle as she guided his fingers to the right spot. "Did you feel that kick?”
    "It's just one of those things,"

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