Drowning in Her Eyes

Drowning in Her Eyes by Patrick Ford

Book: Drowning in Her Eyes by Patrick Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Ford
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slender middle- aged man with an outstretched hand. Jack took the hand, and said, “Good evening, Mr. Baker. I ’m pleased to meet you all. ”
    â€œMr. Baker was my father, son. You call me Jimmy from now on. ”
    â€œThank you, I will, and you can call me Mr. Riordan. ” This was greeted with delighted laughter. The ice was br o ken.
    â€œOff you go now, and it would be nice if you could come to supper on Sunday. I hope you like chicken? ” Jack did like chicken. All of his life it had been a rare delicacy, confined to Easter and Christmas. On Ballinrobe , they ate mutton most days. It was there, and it was free. They walked out to the street to the ute.
    â€œDon ’t be late, Susan, ” called her mother.
    â€œYes, ” said Sarah , “be home before breakfast! ”
    This earned her a scolding from Marci. Jimmy Baker watched them go. Well , he thought, they always go eventua l ly . He thanked God for granting him enough time to see his lovely daughter grow into the stunning young woman she had become. She looked so happy and beautiful tonight.
    During the last month, Jimmy had felt worse than he had for some time. He knew it was time to look for a doctor to review his case and perhaps give him an up to date a s sessment. He feared his time was quickly running out .

    Meanwhile, in an oval o f fice in a large white building on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, a serious meeting was taking place. A big man from Texas called Johnson was discussing a small country in Indochina. He did not want it, but it looked as if US ground forces may have to intervene in the guerrilla war that became more active each day. US a d visors now numbered more than fifteen thousand .

    Armidale, New South Wales, Australia —1964

    Jac k closed the car door for Susan and hurried around to the driver ’s side. He tumbled into a sweet grotto of her scent, her warmth, and those lovely eyes. He took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on his driving. Susan moved closer to him and placed her hand on his arm. He shivered in d e light. “You look marvelous, tonight, ” he said, “I ’ll be the envy of all. ”
    â€œWell, ” she replied, “I ’m sure you are worth the effort. There will be other nice girls there tonight. I hope they don ’t whisk you away. ”
    â€œAn ice cube in hell would have a better chance than that. ” She stroked his arm again. Jack thought he might not reach the social alive.
    The party was in full swing when they arrived. The first person he saw as he entered was Bob O ’Connor, with a pre t ty blonde on his arm. “G ’day, Jack, ” he said. “Wow, you ’ve done all right for yourself! ” His gaze swept across Susan. He stepped forward and introduced his girl. “This is Margie Hall from Gunnedah. She ’s doing Arts. ”
    â€œSo am I, ” said Susan , “we may be in the same classes, especially if you are taking history. ”
    Margie ’s ears pricked up at the accent. “Great. I ’m d o ing American history. You will be a good friend to have. ”
    Bob said, “Mike is here somewhere. Look for a short dark well- endowed girl called Marlene. Anyhow, we ’re g o ing to dance. ” The music was modern, plenty of Be atles and other popular groups.
    Jack looked at Susan. “Would you like to dance? ” She smiled and held out her arms. For the first time, Jack took her in his arms. Susan came in close to him, putting her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. He drank in the nearness of her, placing his hands around her waist as they drifted across the floor to a Beatles ballad. I could do this forever , thought Jack, forever and ever .
    Sometimes the Gods are crazy, sometimes they are kind. Tonight they were well satisfied, and the evening was a huge success. There was a feeling of goodwill and bonhomie across the whole crowd. Jack looked

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