
Distracted by Alexandra Warren

Book: Distracted by Alexandra Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Warren
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Two weeks.”

    I scrolled through pages and pages of job listings, my eyes straining from looking at the computer screen for too long. In my head, I knew I’d probably never find anything even remotely as good as I had it with Bryson, but it wasn’t an option to stop looking. Landon and I had gotten way to use to the extra income to take a step backwards, so I had to do everything I could to find something in the next two weeks.
    Two weeks.
    Two more long ass weeks with Bryson.
    I wanted to cry just thinking about it.
    I would miss the laid back work environment, the laughs we shared even when he wasn’t intentionally being funny, the positive vibes he always seemed to radiate even when I wasn’t the most pleasant person, and his smile … the smile that had gotten me in trouble in the first place.
    But there was no turning back now.
    My resignation letter was signed, sealed, and delivered.
    It was time for me to move on.
    I scrolled through another page of listings, finding a job that looked at least halfway decent and submitted my information.
    At least now I had something to show for myself on my resume.
    I closed my laptop, completely exhausted by the process. But turning on the TV only made things worse as I somehow landed on ESPN. The commentators were bashing Bryson for having one of the worst games of his career. When they flashed to his postgame interview, he looked completely withdrawn, his eyes carrying an unusual shadow as if he hadn’t been sleeping.
    As I listened to a few of the questions, I quickly realized he was in borderline robot mode, giving the most rehearsed answers with hardly any thought. I really hated seeing him like this, especially with the possibility that I had something to do with it. But there was nothing left to say, nothing left to do, nothing to hold onto.
    The game was over.
    We were done.
    “So! How soon can you start?”
    I looked across the table at the woman I knew I could style but wasn’t completely sold on. Something about her just didn’t seem… authentic , though I couldn’t put my finger on it right away. But since I’d only be with Bryson for twelve more days exactly, I knew I didn’t have much of a choice when it came to accepting the position.
    “My current position ends in a little under two weeks, so it would be immediately after that.”
    She lit up, clapping her hands together as she said, “That’s perfect! I should have my settlement by then.” My interest in the woman peaked even more .
    “Settlement? What kind of settlement are we talking about, Nicole?” I knew it might have been overstepping to ask, but I couldn’t help myself. And there was no way I could accept a position based on some unsure money.
    She leaned a little further into the table and whispered, “Girl, I hit the jackpot. I’m pregnant. And its Bryson Harris’s baby.”
    For a split second, my heart stopped beating.
    I couldn’t have possibly heard her right, so I asked just to make sure I wasn’t trippin’, “Bryson Harris? Like the basketball player?”
    She smacked her lips together as she replied, “Yes, hunny. The champion . We had sex when he came to my city and bam … there’s a baby.”
    Oh. My. God.
    “And you’re sure it’s his?”
    She brushed me off with a swat of her hand. “Does it matter? He believes it’s his, so he’s giving me what I want to keep it under wraps until he’s ready to go public. He even moved me here to make sure I laid low.”
    No way!
    I tried to keep my face neutral as I replied, “Wow. That’s… wow .” There was hardly any use in trying to form a logical sentence and it was clear she didn’t care either way as she went on and on about him.
    “I googled his net worth and hunny, he’s worth millions on millions . Can you say payday? Hell, I’ll be able to pay somebody to watch this damn child for me so I can live the life I always dreamed of.”
    What a bitch!
    I couldn’t believe the girl was running the oldest

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