Dirty Little Liars

Dirty Little Liars by Missy Lynn Ryan

Book: Dirty Little Liars by Missy Lynn Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Lynn Ryan
the webcam zoomed in on her face. “Make a video! Like one of those secret confessions they post on that site My Dirty Little Secrets.”
    Juliette considered it for a moment. A video sounded fun but there was no way in hell she would ever post a confession online.
    “You don’t have to post it publicly. You can make a private video. It gets sent from the website directly to whoever you want to see it.”
    And for some reason, at that exact moment in time, Juliette figured the idea of a video confession was a fantastic one. And she recorded a thirty-second confession with her webcam, just before passing out on the sofa.

Chapter 23: Gone Wrong
    Juliette woke with a roaring headache and a crick in her neck from sleeping with her head on the couch arm. She winced as she surveyed the damage to her apartment. The laptop computer had gone into standby mode and her roommate was long gone, but the evidence of their virtual tequila fest was still present. The previously full bottle was now empty. Multiple shot glasses lined the table and lemon wedges were scattered across the hardwood floors.
    “Oh my God.”
    She stared at the laptop as if it were going to come to life and eat her. It wasn’t like in the movies, where you get drunk and can’t remember anything that happened the night before. As she stared at the blackened monitor she remembered everything—the confession to her friend, the overwhelming guilt she was attempting to chase away with hard liquor. But most of all she remembered the video confession she sent to Courtney.
    Juliette jabbed the power button and her computer roared to life. She didn’t have to click very far to find what she was looking for. The still open window showed a confirmation message, stating her video confession had been mailed to [email protected].
    Holy crap.
    Juliette went to her own email, expecting some irate message from her friend. But there was nothing there. Then she jumped up and scanned the area for her phone. Where the hell was it?
    She raced to her bedroom and found the phone sitting on her nightstand, but when she picked it up she saw that there were no missed calls or texts. She also saw that it was only 6:45 a.m. Courtney didn’t have her first class until ten. There was a good chance she wasn’t even up yet.
    Juliette grabbed her phone, jacket, and keys. She slipped into a pair of ballet flats and ran out the door, dialing Ty’s number as she charged down the steps. A decision she later regretted. Apparently there was still plenty of liquor floating around in her system. She nearly tripped and would have fallen down the last three steps if it hadn’t been for her death grip on the handrail.
    Ty didn’t answer after the first four rings and the voicemail clicked on. She didn’t leave a message. They didn’t need any more incriminating evidence of their relationship. Come to think of it, maybe they should get burner phones. Those were supposed to be untraceable, right?
    She shook her head and dialed a cab company instead. She needed a ride and at this hour she wasn’t likely to find a taxi on the streets near her apartment. Once that was done, she redialed Ty. Twice. The third time she gave in. “Ty, it’s me. Meet me at Courtney’s place, ASAP.”
    She hoped to God he would get the message in time. She needed to warn him about what might happen. Then she had a horrible thought. What if Ty was already at Courtney’s? They were engaged, after all, it wasn’t completely out of the question.
    A cab pulled up and she climbed inside and gave him the address. Thankfully the ride to GWU would cost less than five bucks. She was running through cash almost as fast as she was running through lies.
    Her phone buzzed just as she was pacing back and forth in front of the entrance to Courtney’s apartment. Now that she was here, she had absolutely no idea what to say. How did she explain the odd hour of her visit? How did she keep Courtney from checking her email? Or even

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