Dirty Little Liars

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Book: Dirty Little Liars by Missy Lynn Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Lynn Ryan
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have a key.” Ty continued into the bedroom leaving Juliette to follow. As soon as she entered she immediately spotted the MacBook Pro on the nightstand. It was closed but she could see the small white light that indicated it was still on.
    I hope she doesn’t use a password protection for the main user account.

    Juliette reached for the computer. If she was lucky maybe Courtney was still logged into her email and Juliette wouldn’t even have to bother with testing out a billion unique password combinations. They should have an app for hacking into your best friend’s computer.
    Juliette peered down at the computer screen. The last internet browser was still open with at least a dozen or so different tabbed web pages. Unfortunately, Courtney’s email account wasn’t one of them.
    “What are you doing?” Ty leaned against the closet door.
    “I did something really, really stupid.”
    “To her laptop?”
    “No.” Juliette buried her head in her hands. She couldn’t bear to look at him as she admitted what a ridiculously stupid mistake she had made.
    He came closer and sat on the other side of the bed. “Look, it can’t be that bad. You’re probably just overreacting.”
    “I made a video confession about our sleeping together and emailed it to your fiancée at three in the morning.”

Chapter 24: Ticking Time Bomb
    Ty’s legs nearly gave out and he slipped off the bed. She reached out to steady him, her hand gripping his toned biceps.
    “Why would you do that?” he asked.
    The look on his face was enough to make her heart break. “I was angry,” she pleaded. “And drunk. Very, very drunk. So I took some rather questionable advice and dealt with the issue head-on. It felt good, at least until I passed out.”
    “Christ.” He pulled his arm away and stood to face her. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why couldn’t you just leave it alone?”
    “I’m sorry, but yelling at me now isn’t going to get the damn video back.”
    “And you lurking about over her computer is?”
    Juliette slammed the laptop closed and stormed out into the living room. She couldn’t think in the bedroom, with pictures of Courtney staring her down at her, calling them both out as dirty little liars.
    “You’re wasting your time.” Ty brushed past her, his cell phone already glued to his ear.
    “Unless you have got a better idea…shut the hell up.”
    He spun around and shot a furious glare her way. “It just so happens, I do.”
    He turned his attention back to the phone. “Winston, it’s me.” He spoke into the phone. “I have a little situation. Call me. Now.” He clicked “end” and shoved the phone back into his coat pocket.
    “Unless Winston is a computer hacker, we’re screwed.”
    Ty was silent.
    “Oh my God. He is a computer hacker.”
    “I didn’t say that.”
    “Yeah, but you didn’t deny it either.” She thought for a moment. “Is that how the two of you managed to find my home address?”
    “No. Your address is in the student directory. Publicly available and everything.”
    “No, Margaret’s address is in the directory. Mine is anonymous.”
    His phone rang and he immediately began explaining the situation to whom Juliette could only hope was Winston. After a few minutes the two men hung up and Ty pulled the laptop away from Juliette and tucked it under his arm.
    “He’s expecting us. The sooner he gets this computer the better.”
    “If he’s such a good computer hacker, why do we need to go to him? Can’t he break into her email remotely?”
    “Sure, if we had hours. But we don’t. The fastest way into anything is always direct, through the source.”
    “You sound like you do this for a living,” Juliette said.
    He smiled. “And you sound like you’re intrigued.”
    “I am.”
    Ty opened the door and they headed into the hallway. Once he had locked the front door they started for the elevator.
    “Hacking is one of those things that seems like magic, to me. I mean, I get

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