Black Market Bear (A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Genesis Valley Book 2)

Black Market Bear (A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Genesis Valley Book 2) by Amelia Jade

Book: Black Market Bear (A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Genesis Valley Book 2) by Amelia Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Jade
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until he actually tried to move he wouldn’t be able to determine that for sure.
    The last thing he remembered was the men storming into the room and the pinprick of their tranquilizer darts blossoming across his chest. He had no sense of time on how long he’d been out, or how far away he might have been taken from Arianna.
    In the background he could heard the soft hum of a circulation system funneling air into and out of whatever type of room he happened to be in. The surface below him was cool, indicating he was on some sort of metal tray or slab. The air running over his skin was cool, without any telltale signs of heat, which likely meant there were no windows anywhere nearby either.
    Something clanged nearby, the distinct sound of metal on metal. His ears separated two distinct sets of shoes scuffing the floor as they approached.
    “Still out? How hard did you hit him?” a voice complained from nearby.
    “Enough,” a second, distinctly deeper voice replied. “It’s only been half an hour. Ten shots should keep him down another thirty minutes I would presume.”
    He wanted to snort, but he repressed the urge. An hour from ten shots? Maybe for some city shifter, perhaps. But Ajax was different. He was the Alpha of a mining crew from Genesis Valley. They were a different breed of bear than anything these men had encountered before. Ajax intended to take full advantage of that fact. They’d likely never dealt with a shifter so used to being knocked down and dusting himself off.
    “Do you think it’s going to work this time?” the first voice asked, subdued.
    “No clue. But they’ve already used up all the blood we took from him, which could be a good sign. Perhaps the boss was right and this subject will take it better.”
    Subject? They took my blood to inject in someone? That didn’t make a whole lot of sense. That had been tried a number of times over the years, generally with no results besides making the recipient extremely ill for several days, depending on dosage size. Something else was going on. And who was their test subject? He needed answers.
    The conversation drifted away from anything serious. Ajax decided that he wasn’t going to get anything more from staying “unconscious.” Slowly he opened the eye farthest away from the voice. He was lying on his back in what appeared to be a steel cube. There was absolutely nothing of interest. The walls were gray and solid, no markings or openings that he could see.
    Ajax opened the other eye. Now he could see the front of the cell and the front wall. To his surprise, there was no front wall.
    What the hell?
    He sat up.
    Or tried to. But a metal bar that he hadn’t noticed before stopped his progress.
    “Oh, he’s awake.” Voice number two sounded intrigued, and Ajax caught sight of a head pop into view from around the corner, followed by the rest of a body. Like he remembered from earlier, they were wearing balaclava-style masks that concealed their faces. The ones that had shot him had worn ski goggles compared to the darkened sunglasses this pair was sporting. They really were serious about hiding their identities.
    Ajax opened his mouth to speak, but his dried-out throat only emitted a croak. Working his jaw to increase the flow of saliva, after a moment he felt capable of speaking actual words.
    “So, what kind of trouble have I gotten myself into this time?” he asked with an exaggerated sigh.
    Although he couldn’t see their faces, the look the two guards gave each other told him all he needed to know about their reaction. He wondered if either of them had strained their eyes by rolling them that badly.
    “Thinks he’s a tough guy, does he?” the guard on his left said, revealing his voice to be guard number two.
    “Ah, Number Two,” Ajax said with a laugh. “Good to see you.”
    “Number One, could you please tell Number Two to get over here and open this bar? I’d really like to sit up, if you don’t

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