Black Market Bear (A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Genesis Valley Book 2)

Black Market Bear (A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Genesis Valley Book 2) by Amelia Jade Page A

Book: Black Market Bear (A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Genesis Valley Book 2) by Amelia Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Jade
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    “Ain’t gonna happen, pal,” Number One replied, shaking his head.
    “Why not? Didn’t they tell you?”
    “Tell us what?” Number One asked in exasperation.
    “That I’m with you guys. That it was all for show, to get the woman to cooperate,” he said patiently. “I was planted to help capture her in a way that wouldn’t arouse any suspicion with the local law enforcement.”
    “Yeah, right,” Number Two replied. “There was never going to be any trouble with the locals. What do you take us for, some kind of idiots?”
    You, perhaps , Ajax thought. Not Number One, he seems to be a little sharper. I doubt he would have revealed that you’re either working for, or with, the police department.
    That was good knowledge to have. It meant there would be no missing persons’ report filed for Arianna, or if there was, it would never go anywhere. So he couldn’t count on that method, though it had been a long shot anyway.
    “That’s what you think,” he persisted. “There’s one guy been making some trouble lately though. The boss told me to go and make sure this happened. No mistakes,” he said seriously.
    “Peter’s told you that?” Number Two asked with a laugh. “Right.”
    “Shut up,” Number One growled, and his voice wasn’t directed at Ajax.
    Before the pair could devolve farther into an argument the door clanked and opened, admitting another pair of masked men. Ajax promptly labeled the tall one Number Three and the shorter one Number Four as soon as they walked into sight of his cell.
    “Number Three!” he shouted, looking in the man’s direction.
    The guard paused, his head tilting oddly. “What did you call me?”
    Ajax filed his voice away. “Number Three. Meet One and Two,” he said happily, pointing as best he could with hands that were clamped to the table by the original two guards.
    “What the fuck is he talking about?” Number Four spoke in confusion.
    Ajax hid a smile. He probably would not need to recognize any of their voices, but he had them now in case he came across them without their masks on. It was highly unlikely, because he was already planning his jail break.
    “Doc says he needs more, but he’s too busy with the specimen to come take it himself. So we get to take him,” Number Three gestured at Ajax, “to the Doc.”
    “Lovely,” Number One muttered, pointing to Number Two. “Okay chatterbox, go remove the restraints.”
    Two hesitated, but the hiss of metal rubbing against plastic as the three other guards drew some sort of baton gave him courage, and he moved into the cell with Ajax. He reached under the table near Ajax’s head and flicked a switch. At the same moment he drew his own wand.
    “Cute sticks,” Ajax said, not moving as the metal restrains unlocked. “Can you cast any spells with them?”
    As a reply, Number One drove his baton into Ajax’s side.
    He screamed, writhing in pain, his movements pushing the restraints out of the way as he convulsed on the table.
    “How’s that, smartass? You like that spell?” Number Two taunted him, then jabbed his own stick into Ajax’s gut.
    He grunted and cried out in pain again.
    “Enough,” Number Three said, and the others immediately pulled their batons back.
    Two of the guards moved closer and hauled him to his feet, forcing him to stand up and uncurl from the ball he had been in after taking two hits of the electrically charged batons. His face was scrunched up with pain and he hissed as his back straightened, forcing his abs to unclench.
    “You’re going to behave now, right?” Number Three asked menacingly.
    Little men and their toys. Number Three was going to die first, he decided. Or at least, would go down first. He’d have to figure out whether they were government run or private. If they were privately run, then nobody could touch him if he killed anyone who restrained him illegally.
    “Come on,” Number One said, pointing out of the cell with his baton.
    Ajax shuffled

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