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plastic milk jug.
    Doug H . answered on June 25, 2013

    If I spill it, can I cry?
    If you do, it is best to cry either next to it or below it. Crying over it is useless.
    Marcus M. answered on February 24, 2013
    Does it come in a can? Does it taste good with Ham? Does Tuscan make Jam? Sam, I am.
    I like this milk, oh yes I do, it comes in gallons, white not blue. You can drink it from a cup, you can sip it, you can sup. Have it with a little ham, have it with a bit of jam. I like this milk, oh yes I do, and if you try it, you will too.
    K. Corcoran answered on October 20, 2013

Uranium Ore
    Check out the real thing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000796XXM

    3.7 out of 5 stars
    Name:       Uranium Ore
    ASIN:      B000796XXM
    Price:       $39.95
    Radioactive sample of uranium ore. The ore sample material is Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM). Counts Per Minute (CPM) activity rate listed on the label is determined using a GCA-07W Digital Geiger Counter with an NRC certification. Activity level includes all radiation types: alpha, beta, and gamma. Uranium Ore samples are useful for testing Geiger Counters. License exempt. Uranium ore sample sizes vary. Shipped in labeled metal container as shown. Shipping Information: We are always in compliance with Section 13 from part 40 of the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) rules and regulations and Postal Service regulations specified in 49 CFR 173.421 for activity limits of low-level radioactive materials. The item is shipped in accordance with Postal Service activity limits specified in Publication 52. Radioactive minerals are for educational and scientific use only.
    Most Helpful Customer Reviews
    55 of 59 people found the following review helpful
    Turtles now teenagers, lack karate skills
    By B. Drew , January 16, 2013
    This product doesn’t work as well as I would have hoped. I kept three cans in a terrarium with my 4 pet turtles for two years (starting when they were 11). Today, while they are definitely teenagers, they completely lack the following:
Any kind of karate skills
Pronounced Valley accent
Tendency to fight crime
Dislike of my paper shredder
    There may have been an effect, however, as three of my turtles now seem to enjoy pizza.
    5,502 of 5,713 people found the following review helpful
    So glad I don’t have to buy this from Libyans in parking lots at the mall anymore
    By Kyle J. Von Bose “Kyle von Bose” , January 21, 2009
    I bought this to power a homemade submarine that I use to look for prehistoric-era life forms in land-locked lakes around my hometown in Alaska. At first I wasn’t sure if this item would (or could) arrive via mail, but I was glad to see it showed up with no problems. Well, almost no problems. Unfortunately, my mom opened my mail, because she does not respect people’s privacy. She was pretty upset to see Uranium Ore. After a long argument and me running away from home again, she finally stopped being such an idiot, and I was able to get back to work. The quality of this Uranium is on par with the stuff I was buying from the Libyans over at the mall parking lot, but at half the price! I just hope the seller does not run out, because I have many projects on my list including a night vision Sasquatch radar; an electromagnetic chupacabra cage; a high-velocity, aerial, weighted Mothman net; and a super-heated, instant grilled cheese sandwich maker.

    I have to submit to a polygraph to buy Sudafed, but radioactive material

    WARNING: Freebasing uranium makes you paranoid.
    79 of 87 people found the following review helpful
    I “thought” it would be a good idea
    By smumum , December 29, 2009
    Well…I had an awesome idea that if I combined my newly purchased Uranium Ore and a container of Marshmallow Fluff, the outcome would result in a smaller version of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. However…what soon followed my unfortunate science/cooking experiment was the creation of something that resembled a

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