Welcome to New Haven

Welcome to New Haven by Dawn Doyle

Book: Welcome to New Haven by Dawn Doyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Doyle
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looked down at her toast.  
    “Is everything ok?   Has something happened at school?”  
    Holly knew her Mum could tell when she was lying, and she could see the concern on her face, so she decided to just tell her the truth.   Well…almost.  
    “No. Everything’s fine.   My friend, Dev, well she’s got a brother and a girl at school was all over him yesterday. He didn’t like it and Dev hates it too.   It was probably something to do with that.”  
    “Mhmm.” Her mum said, looking at her over her coffee mug.  
    “What’s ‘mhmm’?”  
    “Is that all it is?”   Kim asked with a smile.  
    “Yeah; of course!”   Holly looked at her Mum as if she’d gone mad. “I stick up for my friends, siblings included.”  
    Kim just looked at her before lowering her cup.  
    “I know, love.   You’re a good girl.” She smiled.  
    Holly felt relieved to have satisfied her mother’s curiosity. She quickly finished her breakfast and went to get ready to pick up Dev, Riss, and Kayla.
    Holly sent a quick text to Dev.

    H: Be there in 10. I’ll wait in the car.
    D: Ok. See you soon.

    I hope he’s gone out already. But,   a little sneak peek wouldn’t hurt though.  
    Holly smiled to herself, but it quickly dropped.   She was so nervous around him, and even though she’d been avoiding him because of it, just knowing he could be there sent her stomach into knots.   Holly decided to ‘put on her big girl pants’ and just talk to him like anybody else.  
    Yeah.   That’s gonna happen.   She thought as she sighed.  
    Why did he affect her so much?   She’d been in front of him a handful of times.   Oh…she could feel a headache coming on…

    Alex was just going to his room when he heard Dev’s phone receive a text.   She was downstairs.  
    “Dev!”   he shouted.   “You’ve got a text!”  
    “Did you read it?”   she asked with an accusing tone as she came up the stairs.  
    “No.   I just heard your phone go off.”   That was strange.   Dev never had a problem with Alex reading her texts.   Usually, if she were doing something and her phone beeped; she would say ‘Just read it’.  
    “Oh. Ok.”   She said as she went to get her phone.  
    Maybe she was being secretive now that some of her texts were from Holly.   He wondered if she’d said anything to her, but he quickly dismissed it.   No.   He could trust Dev.   She wouldn’t say anything.  
    “It’s from Kayla.   They’re on their way, and they’ll be about five minutes.”   She said as she replied to the message.  
    Alex looked at her, as she was tapping her phone.  
    “Is Holly with them?”  
    “No. She said as she looked up at him, and he knew she’d seen his hopeful expression fall.   “She’s coming here on her own” she added with a smile.  
    Alex looked back up at her and her smile widened.  
    “Holly’s the driver today and because Kay and Riss live in the other direction, we’re all meeting here.”   Dev said will a grin.   “Anyway, I gotta go ‘cos she’ll be here soon. Love you.”  
    “Love you too.” Alex replied as Dev ran down the stairs.   He ran into his room and quickly changed.

    Alex was watching out of his bedroom window as Holly pulled up outside, and Kayla and Riss pulled up behind her.   He heard Dev open the front door, and he managed to get down stairs and catch the door before it closed behind her.  
    He saw Holly looking down at her phone.   His stomach was having some sort of party, and his heart was the disco ball.  
    He felt warm all over, more so in certain parts that were beginning to press against the front of his jeans.   He leant against the doorway and just watched her.   Waiting for her to notice him there.  
    As Holly turned her head to see Dev, he knew she had seen him too.   Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened. Holly immediately turned to look away and straight out of her windscreen. Dev and the other

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